Monday, November 4, 2013

Motivation Monday!

This is my last week to workout before my surgery, so I am KILLING it in the gym and in the Kitchen! 
Well at least I am trying to . . . So how about some motivation??? 

Friday, November 1, 2013


FIRST, I should say HAPPY (late) HALLOWEEN! 

Welcome NOVEMBER! How did this happen? November already! Its true the older you get the faster time goes. This last month has been a struggle for me. I have been very sick. I have been in and out of the ER and Doctors and had tests done, just to find out the my gallbladder has stopped functioning. I am just grateful that they were FINALLY able to tell me what was wrong! So out goes my gallbladder. I am not to concerned about my gallbladder being gone, I am mad that I can't exercise for 3 weeks. I think I have a gym addiction when this seems to be my biggest worry ;) 

I have been down on a very low calorie and very healthy diet, and have not lost a pound, but my body is responding VERY well to this super healthy life style. I have been able to create some new recipes, super healthy recipes! 

Also after being so sick, it makes me grateful for the days that I feel good. I took them for granted. So I guess out of every trial, something good can come out of it, we just have to look. ( I hope to keep this positive attitude ). 

I want to thank all of my awesome supporters! The nice comments that I have gotten make me feel like all of this is worth it. I never thought that I could inspire anybody, and knowing that I have helped others makes me love what I do even more! Again, THANK YOU!!! 

Some friday motivation! 

Happy Halloween from the BOYS! 

Some friday motivation!