Thursday, February 28, 2013


I have been going to the same kickboxing class for over 6 months! I love it!!! Yesterday, I got a phone call asking if I could teach it today! I have to say I lost sleep, I was nervous and I did not know what people would think of it. I went in that room not telling anyone I have never taught Kickboxing and had the confidence to finish the class, and it went really well! I loved teaching something different. It was scary, but about 5 minutes in I knew that I had this down and that I could finish the class. I am so glad that I said, yes. It was a great for me to accomplish something I did not think I could do!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sweet Potatoes

Last night I made sweet potatoes as a side for Tilapia. SUPER easy recipe and I thought I would share, because they turned out AMAZING!!!

You Need:
4-5 Sweet Potatoes ( Peeled )
1 - 1 1/2 Cup Coconut Milk

Boil the sweet potatoes till soft and drain the water. Add the coconut milk and with a hand blender (its easier) mix, till smooth. Sprinkle with cinnamon.

Thats it! So easy and seriously so yummy. My oldest son kept asking for more! Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Black Bean Brownies

A friend gave me this recipe and told me that I had to try it. She said they were so good, and I must admit I was VERY skeptical of anything chocolate and black beans, but because I like to try anything healthy or healthier, I made them, this morning!  These were a great alternitive to adding eggs and oil. I can not taste the black beans at ALL! I can tell they are in their, but not in a gross way. I figured that each brownie has about 130 Calories. Not to bad for a brownie. 

Recipe for Black Bean Brownies

You Need: 
One Brownie Mix (for 9x12 pan) 
1 Can Black Beans 

Rinse the black beans VERY WELL. 

With black beans back in can add water to the top covering all beans. 

Puree Black Beans and water. 

Last add Brownie Mix, and mix well. 

Bake at 350 Degrees for about 25 minutes. 

Thats it, super easy and healthy! My boys LOVED them and kept asking for more. I have to remember that just because they are healthy does not mean I can have a whole pan! :) 


New machine, new sore!

In one of my Oxogen magazine, it talked about a chest exercise with the Cable Cross Over machine. I always see the guys using it, and its a little intimidating to look at it. Last night I got over my fear of a new machine and I am so glad that I did!

This morning I am so sore in my chest! I know that I worked muscles that don't get worked often enough. I can wait for my next day I work upper body, just to try this machine again!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Another Motivation Monday!

New week, new motivational pins that I have found on Pinterest to keep me going! 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Just a little Update!

This week started the Jamie Eason program, that I posted earlier. I actually did really well with it. I did all the workouts and they are hard! I have really been trying to stick to the healthy eating. I have done pretty good, and this week I lost 2 pounds on this program. I am THRILLED!

I seriously love seeing that number back down on the scale after almost 6 months of seeing the exact same thing, not a bad number, just not what I want to be at! I am so motivated! Its just the kick I need!

Not only am I trying to loose fat, but I want to be stronger. I want to have more endurance. This Summer a friend and I are going to run a couple of 10 & 15K, and at the end of Summer I am running a half marathon! I am so excited about it. I have signed up for the big half marathon 2 years, and did not run it. I still got a t-shirt out of it ;) Not cause I did not want to, but it was after our auto accident and their is no way I could run 13 miles! This year I am running it. I will do it and I will finally mark an accomplishment off my bucket list!

I am motivated. I am strong. I know what I want, and what I want is going to be hard to get to, but I know that with dedication I can do it. When I am 90 years old, I don't want to think how nice it would have been to run a marathon. I want to have said that I did it. (and maybe next year, I'll do the full marathon, MAYBE!)

Good luck to everyone else on their goals! We can do this!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pinterest Workout!

I love (If you can't tell that already) My favorite category is the healthy and fitness, of course. I love that you can find new exercises and workouts. Some of them make me laugh, but I have found some great ones! Here are a couple that make you hurt! 10 Reps, 3 Times, you can feel it!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Healthy BigBoy Pizza

This is one of my favorite dinners to make. My kids eat it all up and I don't feel like I am on a diet. Best of all its so easy! I have been making this dinner for years and its definitely a family favorite. I make mine one of 2 ways, so I will post both recipes! Enjoy!

Healthy BigBoy Pizza

You Need:
1 Whole Wheat French Bread Loaf 
1 Can Pizza Sauce
(Recipe for Homemade Pizza sauce LINK)
1 Can Olives - Diced
1 1/2 Cups Diced Ham
1 Can or 1 Cup Fresh Mushrooms
1/2 Can Pineapple Tidbits (DRAINED) 
1 Cup Lowfat Cheese Grated 
Italian Seasoning 


You Need:
1 Whole Wheat French Bread Loaf 
1 Can Pizza Sauce
(Recipe for Homemade Pizza sauce LINK)
1 Can Olives - Diced
1 1/2 Ground Turkey 
1 Can or 1 Cup Fresh Mushrooms
1/2 Can Tomatoes Chopped  
1 Cup Lowfat Cheese Grated 
Italian Seasoning 

Pre-heat oven to 350 Degrees.

Slice your bread in half and put it on cookie sheet covered with tin foil. 

Add Pizza Sauce onto each slice of bread. 

Sprinkle each piece with Italian seasoning. 

Then Add cheese to each side. 

Add all remaining toppings. 

Bake for about 20 Minutes. Until Cheese is melted and bread is toasted. 

* I forgot to take a photo. This photo is from Google Search.
But this is what my bigboy pizza looks like!
Thank you! 

Apple Cider Vinegar

For the last month or so, I have been using apple cider vinegar. When I heard about this I thought it was just another new popular thing, but I found this article on apple cider vinegar. It explains way more then I can, so I posted the link. 

It has so many benefits, and I don't believe its the cure all medicine but I like to try natural products first. I have been taking about 2 TBLS of Apple Cider Vinegar every day. I drink it with water and I still cringe at the taste. I have seen a difference in my stomach. I feel like I am loosing more fat. I don't know if its the apple cider vinegar, or the fact that I am in the gym 6 days a week and eating clean. But, I think its helping. It also helps with my digestion. When I have a stomach ache this helps.

The biggest difference I can see, is when I was my hair with it. I know gross, but actually my hair has never been better! I just poor about 1/4 cup on my hair, and then scrub like I would with shampoo. Then I rinse it out. I use a little drop of shampoo, on  my scalp rinse. I only do this to get the smell out. Then I use a conditioner. I have very curly dry hair. My hair has more bounce and is lighter then it ever has been. It feels great, and I have no itchy scalp or dandruff. I also have only had to wash my hair 1 time this week. My hair just did not feel dirty!

Along with all my other vitamins and supplements I have added this into my regular routine. I take this at night before bed, and in the morning. I drink 1 TBLS with a glass of water and drink it FAST. I think the taste is nasty and I don't want to be sipping this all day like others have suggested. I also don't think that would be very good on your teeth, but I am not a nutritionist nor a dentist. So don't take everything I say to heart. Try Apple cider vinegar and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kids and healthy Habits

I thought I would share how I get my kids to be healthy eaters. I have been asked questions about how I can keep my kids from eating junk and liking their veggies. These questions are simple for me and my family, but I can see how others would suffer. At the checkout counter, I have been asked if my kids really eat this stuff (veggies). Of course they do and they like them. So here are my healthy eating tips and tricks for my 3 boys.

#1. I let them help me decide what is for dinner. I will ask if they want chicken or fish? Or ask them what beans we should have with our dinner. They love to have a say in what we eat. 

#2. I have them help me cook. They add ingredients or just help me pull stuff out of the fridge. Its good to help them count, learn about colors and we talk about what is healthy and what is junk. 

#3. I take them shopping with me. They get to pick out what yogurt they want, or fruit. They get to put stuff in the cart (which they LOVE). It would be easier to go by myself, but I like them to know what is good food and what is garbage food. In the Summer we have a large garden and they help me out in the garden. They will eat any of the veggies they pick. 

#4. I don't buy junk. My kids know that I will not buy junk food. If they get it at school or a birthday party, I let them eat it. I can't say "No" to everything. I feel better about junk food not being in my house, but I don't mind if they eat it every now and then. 

#5. If I make something for dinner, thats what we eat. I don't make them anything else if they don't like it. I also make them at least have one "thank you bite" of everything on their plate. 

#6. Start young. My kids have NEVER had white bread. I am proud of that. They don't know a difference because whole grain is all we have ever had. My 3 year old will eat salad and lots of it, but its because I gave it to him as soon as he started on solids. 

#7. If they won't eat something, I make it fun. I will dye their pancakes blue, or add some berries. I will make a picture with food on their plate. Or add a little dressing so they can "dip" their food. 

#8. We talk about food. We talk about what is good and what is bad. We talk about why food is bad for you. My son when he was 5 asked how much fiber was in his lunch. We are not obsessive about it. But they know when something has to much sugar, and they know soda is bad for your body and teeth. I don't just tell them no, I explain it to them and let them make the choice. If they don't like a veggie, I tell them how good it is for their body and what it can help them with. They at least try it. 

#9. Family meals. My kids eat better when we are all sitting together for a meal. We also get time to talk. We never eat in front of the TV.

#10. I don't give food as an award. If they complete their chore charts, I will take them to the dollar store and let them pick out a "prize" or we will go on a mom or dad date. Food is not an award or a punishment. I would never have my kids go to bed without dinner. I would also never tell them if they clean their room they get a candy. 

On Pinterest I found, this Pin. 

The caption under it, said "Mac & Cheese and hotdogs, I know whats for dinner". 

Really??? This is what kids are eating before bed. Where are the veggies? The fruit? The whole grain?
I must say I was pretty grossed out. I would never serve this for dinner for my kids. With the child obesity rate rising, seeing pins like this should not be surprising. Those rates are not rising from kids getting a balanced meal. I hope that some of these tips helps someone out. I know what works for my family and my kids, try different things with your family and see what works and what does not. Good luck! 

Have a Laugh!

My sister rePinned this on Pinterest, I had to share, too funny! 


This morning my alarm went off and I looked out the window its still dark, I should be in bed. Even my husband told me to just come back to sleep, but I knew that if I don't go to the gym now. Its not going to happen the rest of the day. So I hurried and got dressed and walked out into 8, yes 8 degree weather, climbed in my FREEZING cold car and drove to the gym. The entire time I kept thinking "why am I doing this, am I crazy?"

Maybe I am crazy, but I think the better word is dedicated. I am dedicated to getting the body I want. I am dedicated to living a long and very healthy life. Weight loss does not come easy for me and I will do what it takes to get what I want.

I look back at pictures of myself when I was heavier. I am shocked that I let myself stay that way. I don't ever want to be known for being that weight. I want people to think of me as strong and healthy.
I am glad that I have the opportunity to go through such a struggle. My struggle made me go back to school, make sure my family is eating healthy, and made me be a healthy person. If weight loss came easy to me, I don't know if I would work as hard as I have. Does this make me crazy? To be grateful for weight loss struggle, again maybe. Its a good thing to be a little crazy about something.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Motivation Monday

I had a great weekend. I actually did really well eating. I woke up and hit them gym. I did not feel tired or sluggish. I felt great! Today I started really sticking to the Jamie Eason diet program. HERE is the program. I posted it last week that I was starting and I did not workouts but did not stick very well to how strict the diet is. I have been stuck at the same weight for 6 months. Its time to really kick it up and cut like I need to. I love Mondays, it is the start of a new week, I can choose what I want out of this week, starting today. Today, I chose to make this week count. I want to see a difference by Summer and not see what I could have been.

Found some awesome workouts and great motivation on Pinterest. I love these!!! Some of the exercises I am doing in my class this week, watch out ladies!!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentines Day

Hope you all had a FABULOUS Valentines day! I spent the evening with my kids, parents, niece and husband. We had a great dinner and movie, and it was so nice to get to spend Valentines day with everyone I love. Dinner was yummy, but NOT low carb. So today I grabbed the heavier set of weights and killed it in a toning class. I FELT THE BURN!!! Great way to start my weekend, I am motivated. I know what I want and I have lost 1 pound this week so far. I feel great and I want to keep that good feeling going! Bring on the weekend!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Chocolate Chip Granola Bars

I went grocery shopping on Tuesday, and did not buy any processed snacks. I like making my own snacks and really its about 15 minutes of my time. I made granola bars a while back, RECIPE HERE. Loved them! When I went to make them again, I was out of a couple main ingredients, so I decided to use the recipe I had before, and change it up a little. What came out was DELICIOUS! 

Chocolate Granola Bars Recipe

You Need: 
4 Cups Oats 
1/2 Cup Coconut Oil
1 1/2 Cups Rice Crispy Cereal 
1/2 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips
1/2 Cup Peanut Butter
1 Cup Honey
1 Cup Brown Sugar 
2 TSP Vanilla 
4 TBLS Flax Seed 
4 TBLS Cocco Powder 

  Over Medium heat, melt oil, honey, brown sugar. 

When bubbling, add other ingredients, EXCPET chocolate chips. MIX WELL. 

Line Pan with Foil. Push granola down into pan. Sprinkle chocolate chips over granola, and press them  into granola with spatula. You will want to do this quick so they don't get gooey. Let granola bars sit for about an hour. Then using a pizza cutter, cut them into bars. Store in an air tight container. If you like them a little softer, add a piece of bread to air tight container. (this really works). 

Thats it enjoy!!! 

Monday, February 11, 2013

How about a little Motivation???

Found all of these pictures on All these bodies are rockin'. I have 3 1/2 months till Summer, My goal: To have a body like this! 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday Update

Good Morning!!!

I have not been on for a couple days. I am trying to focus on my family a little more. (One of my new years resolutions.) Also I have not done anything new or exciting to blog about.

I am starting a program today, that will help me cut and I hope that in 3 months I have the muscle definition that I want. This program is not going to be easy, the working out is the easy part its the eating thats going to be hard. I have been eating really good the last couple days, I have felt great! I love the way that I feel after days of Clean eating. This is motivation for me to stay on this program and feel the way I want to feel.

I want to be in my awesome new bikini, without looking around and seeing if people are looking at me like I'm crazy to wear that out in public :/ I am so ready for Summer to be here, I have about 3 1/2 months and the program that I am starting is 3 months long. That will be the perfect amount of time to do what I need to do . . . I hope!

Last year in 3 months I changed my body. I have never been in better shape. I have stayed this way for 6 months and I have new goals and challenges for my body. I am happy with how far I have come, but now I need new goals and new challenges.

Its so funny, I see all these pins on that talk about get a 6 pack in 2 weeks! Drink this and loose weight. Now that I have gone to school and experienced the difficulties of weight loss myself. I laugh at these! I used to Pin, them thinking that it would really work. Its not as easy as exercising one part of your body for a 6 pack, I WISH! Now I know the truth and how to get the body I want its time to put my knowledge in action.

I am only eating my carbs after I work out. I am not eating after 7:00 PM. I am eating lean meats and fish and LOTS of veggies. I was told about this program by my aunt, I am so happy that I found something that is so easy and laid out for me, and it has results. Its on, Jamie Eason's, Live Fit. Here is the Link HERE . I have changed it a little for me, I am not doing the first 2 weeks. I also adding cardio into the first month. I have enough muscle its time to loose the fat on top of the muscle.

When I am done, I will post my before and after pictures. I hope that there is results! Wish me luck! 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Cucumber Subs

I needed a light lunch, and thanks seeing something like this on Pinterest, I found a different and healthy lunch that I will for sure make again!

Cucumber Subs 

You Need: 
1/2 of A Cucumber 
1/2 Cup Turkey or Chicken 
1/2 Avocado
1 Slice of Low Fat Cheese 

Cut Cucumber in half. Scrape seeds out. 

Shred Turkey and place inside cucumber. 

Stack all remaning ingredients It helped with the cheese being last, it held it all in. 

Super Easy. Suer Healthy. Like always, Enjoy! 

Friday Morning Smoothie

I had an awesome hard workout this morning. Came home to make breakfast, and realized we had no milk :( I have not been grocery shopping in 2 weeks and my kitchen is looking a little bare, but I had enough ingredients to make up a drink, and I think this is one of my new favorites! Packed with Vitamin C. Just what I need! For the last couple weeks if we have any left over fruit after a meal, I put it in a bag and freeze it. This way it does not go bad and I can put it in my smoothies.

Orange Almond Smoothie 

You Need: 
1/2 Can Frozen Orange Juice ( No Sugar Added ) Or 1 Cup Orange Juice + Ice Cubes 
1 Can Peaches or 1 1/2 Cups Ripe Peaches 
1/4 Cup Almonds 
1 1/2 Cups Frozen Pineapple 

Blend VERY well. Enjoy!