Saturday, June 29, 2013

Another Saturday

Today, I was not able to go to the gym this morning, so it looks like a run tonight is going to be my exercise. I have not been great about training for the half marathon that is coming up in just 2 months!   ( I seriously don't like to run. ) But, I need to add more cardio into my schedule. I have got to lower my body fat.

Yesterday was a big day for me! If you follow my instagram you will see that I went to our public pool.  No this is not anything new, but what was new is that I wore a bikini to the public pool for the first time in 9 years!!!! I did not feel fat, I did not feel self conscious. I love my swim suit and I have worked hard for the body that I have. So, after trying on about 9 different swim suits I finally just decided that I don't care what others think, I am wearing the one that I like. We had a great day, and I am so glad that I got our of my comfort zone just a little!

Me and my Son just playing at the pool! 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Its been to long!

It has been 3 weeks since I posted last! WAY TO LONG! My husband and I went on a cruise. Then I was without internet for a week and finally I am back!

Our vacation was a blast! Even though I gained . . . 8 POUNDS! I honestly did not even know that was possible in a week. I cried. All my hard work was taken away in a week! But, its been 2 weeks since I came home and have lost all but 2 pounds of it. Which makes me feel way better. The first day I ate really healthy. I even got fruit for dessert. Then after the first day it all went down hill. I figure I am never going to eat like this again and I ate whatever I wanted, obviously I went a little over the top ;) I exercised 4 times on our 6 day cruise, the gym on the cruise only had a small section of weights and every time I went it was packed with guys lifting no more then 15-20 pound weights. I wanted to tell them to move over and let me really lift! But, I decided to be nice and just show them up, with heavier weights and that made me feel better!

Here are a couple pictures of our vacation. It was great to just have the time alone with my husband and forget about all our other worries. I can't wait to go again!


So now, its time to get back to normal life. Its not been the easiest thing for me to get back to clean eating. I also had a couple days that I did not want to go workout. I know what I want, and that is not going to happen with being lazy and junk food. So I have quickly changed those habits. I am still struggling with food, but I am motivated and I can eat healthy if I chose too! 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

End of the 6 week challenge!

Well Summer is here and so that means that my challenge to be fit by Summer is over! I really tried, not going lie, I had some hard days with my eating. But, I worked out 6 days a week, sometimes 2 times a day! I know that I did my best and I can't wait to see what changes I can make by the end of Summer!
I promised a picture so here it its. My 6 week challenge "Before and After"! Not a huge difference but enough that I dropped a pant size and 4 pounds. Also I think my legs gained some muscle for the first time ever ;) Thanks to my awesome sister for workout with me she is totally my motivation and she pushes me to do more then I thought I could! I love her for that! Thanks again SISTER!