About Me

I am Marissa. I am a mommy to three amazing little boys and a wife to the most amazing husband! I love to be outside, I must have SUNSHINE! I enjoy working on projects, and crafts. I love to create and try new things. I love to travel, I just wish I could do it more often. My new found passion is exercise, and the way it makes me feel. I have recently started hiking and riding my bike and I am loving it!!! I have a new outlook for eating healthy and making sure my family is eating healthy. I like to try new recipes and create new healthy meals.

I started this blog to post about the projects that I tried from Pinterest, and other crafts that I did. It turned into so much more! It turned into my weight loss journey. My new life and how I am changing, and trying to be a healthier and better person. I love to share how I feel, and what I have done to change. I feel that if I can do it anyone can do it!

I have always struggled with my weight, I have never been the skinny girl, or even the athletic girl. For several years I suffered from an eating disorder, I felt like I would never have the body that I dreamed of and I lost weight the only way I knew how, throwing up any bad food that I consumed. I hate to admit this, but its a huge part of my life that I feel like I should share, and huge struggle to overcome.

At the first of the 2011 year I had a baby and weighed 179, two months after he as born. I felt gross, and my body hurt from being over weight. My weight was not falling off like I had wanted it to. I started to exercise and eat healthy. I got my weight to about 162. I was so happy with loosing 17 pounds. I was at the weight I was when I got pregnant with my baby. I thought I was healthy. I got into an pretty bad auto accident, and went to the Doctor. When I read his report, it said " Over Weight Female" I was so sad. I could not believe that I was still considered overweight when I had lost 17 pounds. I decided that I really needed to change.

I got a gym membership and in 3 months I dropped 5 pounds. It was not enough! I was still not seeing the change that I wanted. I wanted to go back to my eating disorder, but I gave myself a 3 month challenge. The challenge was to eat healthy and stick to a exercise schedule. I started the challenge at 157 pounds. I changed the way that I eat. I started clean eating. It took a while to get used to it. My family and I still struggle every now and then, but I feel so much better and the weight started to come off! I was so excited and so motivated to keep going. In 3 months I lost 19 pounds. I exercise 6 days a week. I am so happy with my new body and my self esteem. I went from a size 12-14 to a size 6-7. My body does not hurt like it used to. Exercise is my pain medication. I have energy and motivation to do anything. I found that eating healthy and going to the gym was the best way to loose weight and it was fun, I would wake up each morning and want to go to the gym.

I got down to the weight that I wanted to and because I truly enjoy exercise and cooking clean, and healthy living. I decided that I wanted to help others achieve their own goals. I went back to school, to be a personal trainer. It was a great choice for me and it gives the motivation to keep going. As well as a personal trainer, I am a group fitness trainer and I love to teach the classes. Its so much fun and I am actually excited about going to "work". I want to inspire people to live a healthy life. Its changed my life so much and I want to help others feel the same way.

I love life, and want to make the most out of every day. I feel that life is short and we should try our best to make each day count. I want to share my blog with the world, my transformation to a new person, so that maybe it can help someone else, not just in weight loss but in becoming a better person. I hope that my blog can help and inspire others.

I have to thank my husband for all the support and help that he has given me. I am so grateful for him. I have to thank my sister, for showing me new exercises and taking my fitness to a new level. She is truly my motivation!

You can follow me on Pinterest Here!  Or follow this Blog on Facebook. HERE. 

Thanks for reading!!!!
Marissa :)

Me and my son on our way to Disneyland.

My Husband and I Before My Weight Loss. ( I hate this picture! ) 
4 Months Later. After My Weight Loss. 

Me Before and After my 3 Month challenge. 

1 Year after my weight loss! 


  1. Wow!! I loved reading your blog. I am not on Facebook so I hope I can continue to follow you. I am in a struggle now to eat healthy after eating the same way for over 50 years. I am hitting the door of diabetics and I don't want to go there. My doctor has given me 3 months to get it right or go on medication. So that's part of my story.


    1. Thank you! I am a strong believer that anyone can change if they want to. Good luck on your progress and you upcoming challenges to be healthy!

  2. I just love all of your posts and that you keep it all so real! I have a million exercises pinned on Pinterest but always fall short and can't decide which to do or how to start. I need to get rid of 20lbs or get on high blood pressure medicine. I just never know what muscles to do on MWF or what to do on TTH? Any chance you could point me in the right direction on favorite pins or how to start if you don't have a gym membership
    Thanks, Lisa

    1. You can see my schedule above. I am sorry it took so long to respond. Do what fits your schedule and just don't do the same muscle group 2 days in a row. Good luck!

  3. Your Blog inspire to me a new ME!! Your recipes are simple and you have a lot of good ideas for motivation. I just need to know what exercises I need to do to start a good regimen. Can you give me some pointers?


  4. Thank you so mud! It really is comments like this that makes me keep going! I think you need to start with what you enjoy doing. Maybe take some group fitness classes at your local gym, or get a DVD or even just find one on YouTube that is aerobics or kickboxing, yoga. Something that you enjoy doing. If you don't like it you won't continue. For me I LOVE lifting weights and riding the spin bike. Good luck with you're journey!
