Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Peridot Chic

I know that I have been MIA for a couple months, but I have been working so hard on my NEW adventure! My life has been a crazy up and down for the last 6 months. I guess thats my fault, but thats what makes life exciting right?

My sister and I have talked for YEARS about creating a business together. We finally decided on something that we both love and want to really expand our company. Our company is call Peridot Chic. We specialize in selling athletic wear and accessories and are hoping to expand into other categories in the near future.

You can visit my website

Tell me what you think. Also tell me what you would want to buy, what are you looking for or what can't you live without?

I love these clothes, and if I would wear them I would feel comfortable selling them to others!

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Wednesday Food and Workout Journal

Yesterday at spin class I burned over 500 Calories according the the bike, and that for me is a personal best! Woohoo! Last night night at Pilates, we tried some new things, that I LOVED! It was such a good class, it is my favorite class to teach and I look forward to it every week.

My eating yesterday was awesome, except I ate a mini Andies Mint Ice Cream from A&W. My husband got it for me. At least it was a mini, but I got a headache from eating sugar. I guess that is not a bad thing, because it makes me not want to eat anything sugary again. I did eat very good the rest of the day. A lot of protein and only 2 snacks. For dinner we ate Chicken and Brown Rice with Green Beans and Pineapple. Yummy dinner!

Today is a new day, and I have already started off with an awesome workout!

Marissa B.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Monday Tuesday Update!

Yesterday I worked Legs and Glutes. I did not just worked them, I KILLED THEM . . . . Because today I can't sit down to go to the bathroom. The joys of "Leg Day" right? After I worked legs for an hour I was going to do some Cardio, my legs hurt so bad I walked on the incline on the treadmill for 15 minutes and called it good. I am disappointed in myself, but I listened to my body and I did what I could.

This morning I woke up, and went to Yoga! Ahhhh, I am LOVING yoga. How have I not always added this to my weekly workouts. I feel so good and relaxed, and beautiful. Yes, beautiful. I love to watch my body in the mirror, and see how I can stretch and focus on my posture, muscles, and breathing. My doctor told me I need to do more Yoga, with how stressed I am. Best advice I have gotten from a doctor! Tonight I teach my Cross Training Class, and the focus today will be upper body, so watch ladies!

My eating has been really good. Last night my husband and kids wanted pizza and of course my husband went and got it. I loaded my plate with salad first, then ate 1 1/2 pieces. I tried to stop at one, but lets face it, pizza is freaking good and I wanted just a couple more bites.

Monday Food Journal:

Breakfast: Grapefruit, Cup of Peppermint Tea, 4 Egg Whites

Snack: Granola Bar

Lunch: Chicken Wrap

Snack: Kashi Bar

Dinner: Salad, Pizza

Tuesday Food Journal:

Breakfast: Cup of Peppermint Tea, Rice Cake with 1 TSP Peanut butter

Breakfast 2: 1/2 Cup Oatmeal, with 1/4 Cup Raisins and some almond milk and honey

Lunch: Protein Shake and a Banana

Snack: Kashi Bar

Snack: Rice Cake

Dinner: Taco Salad with 2 Corn Tortilla

Dessert: 2 Mint Oreos ( I know, I know, but it was a long night spent in the ER, with my son. )

I am feeling so much better, and I know that it is drinking more water and cutting out sugar. I feel so much better when I eat healthy. Today at Yoga my balance was off a little and I know that its because I had pizza last night. I am amazed at how good food changes your body. I am also drinking way more water, my skin is softer and I don't feel like eating the entire house at snack time. My favorite way to drink water is with lemon slices, YUM!

I have 11 Days till June 1st. I know that even with some bad set backs, I will see the results I wanted!

Thanks for Reading,
Marissa B.

Monday, May 12, 2014

A New Week!

Still not feeling 100%.  This SUCKS! I have a headache and dizziness, after seeing the chiropractor, my family doctor and the eye doctor. I am feeling slightly better. Its so frustrating to be in this situation, when I have less then 3 weeks till Summer vacation and my deadline! So again this week, I am being super careful about what I eat. No sugar. Thats not the bad part, the part that is horrible is not being about to go and do an hour of cardio, and lift heavy weights! Can you tell, I hate to rest?

My workout today was 15 Minutes stretching and yoga poses. 30 Minute light weight arms exercises.  I only used 8 pound weights. It was not the best, but I feel good that at least I got something in. Its is better then nothing.

Tomorrow is another day!
Marissa B.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Monday - Friday

This week, I got sick. So my workouts were good, but I had to skip Thursday and Friday.  I got an inner ear infection, which made me get vertigo. Along with a pounding headache. I thought I was dying! The pain has been less today, FINALLY! But I am still taking it very slow! I can't risk feeling like garbage next week! I have only 3 weeks till my Summer Vacation! It is so disappointing that I can't be killing it in the gym every day! I am really trying to eat healthy though. I have had low sodium and NO sugar for a week. I have ate a lot of fruit and veggies and lean meats. I am hoping that even though I can't make it to the gym my healthy eating will make up for it. They say its 90% diet right? Lets see how accurate that it :)

Monday: Legs 90 Minutes
Tuesday: Cross Training & Pilates 120 Minutes TOTAL
Wednesday: Spin Class and Pilates 120 Minutes TOTAL
Thursday & Friday: Rest

This week we ate some super yummy dinners! Shrimp Lettuce Wraps, Brown Rice Chicken and Veggies. The only breakfast that I have ate is Oatmeal with Raisins, mmmmmm!!!! Seriously all I want is oatmeal w/ cinnamon and raisins, LOTS of raisins!

Happy Friday Everyone!
Marissa B.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

This Week in a Nut Shell

This has been one of those weeks, where it is Monday, you blink and its Sunday afternoon and you don't know what happened to all those days in between ;)

We have had 4 Soccer games, soccer practices, and since I am the coach for my little guys team there is so much more work involved. Family Parties. I am training more clients. I am preparing for Smithfield Health Days. I am setting up a booth to promote my Personal Training, so if you are at Healthy Days, come stop by and see me. All in All this has been a busy week, but that does not mean I missed any of my workouts. I got new shoes and a new yoga top and that is good enough for me to go workout!

Seriously, can they be even cuter??? Of course they are bright pink!

My Workouts Tuesday - Sunday!

Tuesday: Taught Cross Training Class + 20 Minutes of Arms / Shoulders + 10 Minute Bike Ride

Wednesday: Treadmill 20 Minutes / 20 Minutes Elliptical, 30 Minutes of Advanced Pilates + a 10 minute Bike Ride

Thursday: 60 Minutes Cardio, 10 Minute Bike Ride, 20 Minute Arms

Friday: 15 Minute Walk, 30 Minutes Elliptical, 45 Minutes Weights

Saturday: 25 Minute HIIT Training on Treadmill on incline. 65 Minutes Total Body Weights, I did write EVERYTHING down that I did. My goal for Saturday, was lighter weights, total body, and more reps.

Squat/hammer curl/shoulder press 12x w/ 12 lb. Weights 
Box steps 20x Holding 12 lb. Weight 
Planking Leg Lifts on Box 20x 
Repeat 5 x 

Vibrating Squat w/ calf raise 90 Seconds. 
12 lb. Bicep Curls 20x 
Tricep Dips on Bench 20x w/ 1 Leg out in front. 
Repeat 3x 

Upright Rows 20x 15 lb. 
PliĆ© Squat 20x Holding 15 lb. Weight 
Chest Presses 20x 15 lb. 
Repeat 3x

Skull Crushers 20x 15 lb. 
Reverse Crunch 20x 
Flys 15x 10 lb. 
Repeat 3x

Sunday: My Rest Day. Walk and Stretching.

This week I will be much better at keeping up to date, and writing down my food. I also have found a couple new recipes to try and if they are yummy I will post them!
Have a good Sunday!

Marissa B.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Yay for Monday! I killed my legs today! I forgot how much I miss 6 AM workouts. It feels great to be back to early mornings, and getting things done before my kids wake up! 

I started with 30 Minutes of Incline Elliptical. I did HIIT training, 1 minute on and off. It was hard and I was sweating. 

Next was my Leg and a little core work! 
20 Wall Balls
20 Mountain Climbers w leg extensions on Box 
20 Box Steps Holding 24 lbs. 
Repeated 3x

Lunges Across floor (18-20 )
Hanging Reverse Crunch 12x
Football shuffle across floor 
Repeated 3x

Kneeling leg extensions w/ white band 15 E/S 
45 sec jumping jacks
Repeated 2x

Bridges bent knees on box 12x
Bridges straight legs on box 12x 
w/ 12 lb weight on hips 
Repeated 4x
(The back of my legs were on FIRE) 

Bicycle crunch 20x Repeated 3x

Incline sit ups Holding 10 lbs 15x Repeated 3X

90 Second Squats on Vibrator
90 Second Squats w/ Calf Raises
90 Second Calf Raises with Leg Lifts

For my Cool down I did a light Spin Bike Ride for 10 minutes. 


Breakfast: 1 Cup Kashi Cereal w/ 1/2 Scoop Protein + Almond Milk 

Snack: 1 1/2 Hard Boiled Eggs + 1 Banana 

Lunch: 1 Cup Cottage Cheese w/ Strawberries and Pears, + 2 Slices Turkey Meat and 1 Slice Swiss Cheese 

Snacks: 1/8 Cup Chocolate Covered Cranberries, 1 Graham Cracker, Banana, 90 Calorie Granola Bar

Dinner: Chili 

Saturday and Sunday

Saturday is my FAVORITE day to eat healthy and workout. I feel so motivated Saturday mornings, my workouts are harder and better! My eating is on track and I feel great.

This morning my workout was 20 Minutes of incline on the elliptical, at a resistance. Next I taught my Core Cardio Class for 45 minutes of HARD exercise. Then we stretched and did a little pilates for 15 minutes.
TOTAL: 1 Hour 45 + 1 Hour Coaching Soccer, in the FREEZING Rain.

I totally forgot to track my eating this day. Oops!

Sunday: Rest
I also did not track my eating and thats a bad thing cause I ate ALOT yesterday. We had late easter dinner and I will just say I love love love ham and eggs ;) mmmmm! Monday is a new day and I feel good about it already!

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Finally its FRIDAY!!!

This week has FLOWN by! I can't believe all that I have done this week. I am super proud of how well I have done with eating and exercise.

This morning my Exercise was 35 Minutes on the Elliptical! 450 Calories!!! 
Then 25 Minutes of Legs, Squats, Leg Lifts and Bridges, 10X Each 3+ Times. I feel good today! I worked up a nice sweat (gross) haha! 

NoXplode 1/2 Scoop 

Breakfast: 1/4 Package Protein, 1 Cup Kashi Cereal, w/ almond coconut milk. 

Lunch: 3 Slices of Turkey and Cheese and 3/4 Cup Mushrooms, 10 Onion Sticks and 8 oz of Apple Juice and 1/4 Cup Greek Yogurt. 
( I was Hungary ) 

Snack: 1/2 Apple, Sliced Banana and Peanut butter

Dinner: Chicken and Potato w/ broccoli, Strawberries and 1/2 Cup Greek Yogurt 

Dessert: Almond Probiotic IceCream Bar!

I don't know what was wrong with me today, I was starving!!!! I ate way to much today. I ate healthy, just a lot of healthy ;) 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday 4/24 Food/Exercise

Pre workout: NoXplode 1/2 Scoop and 1/2 Banana 

Breakfast: 1/2 Banana + Kashi Cereal w/ Coconut Almond Milk, 1/4 Cup Raisins 

Lunch: Turkey and Cheese Roll Ups, w/ Mushrooms and Spinach 

Snack: Grapefruit and Cottage Cheese 

Dinner: 2 Corn Tortillas and Taco Soup w/ Turkey Meat 

Dessert: 1 ProBiotic Chocolate Ice Cream Bar 


15 Minute Walk on incline on Treadmill
15 Minute Heavy Resistance/Incline on Elliptical
5 Minute Incline on Treadmill + 10 Pound weights doing bicep Curls and Shoulder Presses
10 Minute Shoulders and Tricep w/ weights

Just a little update!

Its been a little while since I updated. My goal at the beginning of the year was to be stronger and see my abs, well I am stronger. My arms have bulked very nice! I am feeling that they are getting bigger then the rest of my body. I am happy with my legs, and my butt. I will just say that they have NEVER looked better and I love it! I now get complements on my butt which has NEVER happened and its awesome. Keep the complements coming, hehehe!!! 

As a personal trainer, I have been able to train all my clients and get them into better shape and have them see results that they want to see, I have never had anyone complain yet! But, I could not stick to my own plan. I would write a plan for myself, yet I did not see the results that I am looking for! It has been soooooo frustrating. After a very long conversation with my super awesome sister (BIG HUGS TO YOU) I have decided to change up my workouts a little. My biggest problem is I am still have belly fat. Super stubborn belly fat. I have had belly fat since a teenager and its always been my most self conscious area of my body. I will be the first to admit that it has gotten better over the last couple years, but I am ready to take things to the next level and say goodbye to belly fat for good! 

I have changed my eating a bit. I am just lowering the amount of bread I eat. Since I have had my gallbladder removed in October, bread upsets my stomach anyway. We don't eat much sugar anymore and I can tell a HUGE difference! - THIS IS #! 
Thats it for eating. My family eats clean. We don't eat out much. I meal prep and plan all our dinners. I have found that I like eating at home much more then at a restaurant, even though I have to do dishes and I HATE dishes! I enjoy cooking and making something that I know is healthy and know what the ingredients are. 

My exercise, I have added more cardio to my workout and thanks to my sisters advice to this, I have already dropped a pound, YAY!!! I am also teaching Pilates. This has changed my body and my mind. I am more flexible and I am stronger in my core because of Pilates. I absolutely love the way that it makes me feel! I am still working out 6 Days a week, that will not change because I LOVE to workout. I am feeling the best that I ever have. I am making gains and I love to see the progress. I am blessed to have the ability to exercise and I am grateful to have the support system I have.

Marissa B. 

Wednesday 4/23 Food and Exercise

1/2 Scoop NoXplode 
Breakfast: 1 cup Kashi Cereal. 1/2 Cup Raisins w/ coconut almond milk. 

Lunch: 2 Slices Turkey Meat, 3 Thin Sliced Cheese, 3 Cerlery sticks, 1/2 avacado, 1/2 Cup Raw Mushrooms 

Snack: cottage Cheese w/ a banana and 1/2 Cup Blackberries (mmmmmm.....)

Dinner: Salad, with Chicken and Berries +100 Calories Vinaigrette Dressing. 

Dessert: Dark Chocolate Covered Cranberries 200 Calories. *Not the Best choice but oh they are yummy :) 

1 Hour Spin Class
1 Hour Pilates Class 
+ 1 Hour Coaching Soccer ( This totally counts since I am coaching 4/5 year olds and have to run up and down the field with them and yelling! ) hehe!!! 

Today in spin class, I beat my last weeks class by half a mile! Yay!!! 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tuesday Food and Exercise

Egg White Omelet (4 Egg Whites) w/ Spinach, cilantro, and turkey meat. 
4 oz Orange Juice 

Snack: Banana 

Lunch: Kashi Cereal w/ coconut almond milk and 1 slice of deli meat. 

Snack: Apple w/ peanut butter. 

Dinner: Salmon, Brocoli and Asparagus, Black Beans. 

Dessert: Strawberries 

I did pretty good yesterday eating, I am actually really happy with that, if every day can be this good! 

15 Minutes HIIT on Elliptical. 

Cross Training Class. I used a Spin Bike for 5 Minutes and medium weights for 10 minutes, working obliques and Arms/Shoulders. 

Thanks for keeping me motivated! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday Eating

-1/2 Scoop NOXPLODE
- Protein Shake with Strawberries and a banana, and Coconut Almond Milk. 
- 3 Slices Turkey 
- 1 Cup Strawberries 
- 1/4 Cup Blackberries 
- 2 Celery Sticks 
- 2/3 Cup Kashi cereal w/ coconut almond milk 
- Turkey Meat
- Pasta w/ cheese and Chicken 
- Blackberries 
- cottage cheese w/ Strawberries 

I felt so Hungary today and now I look back on this and think I ate way to much! Tomorrow is a new day! At least it was all healthy :) 


Monday - Leg Day

Today I did 15 minutes incline on treadmill and 15 minutes incline on elliptical. 

Next I worked Legs! 
30 Squats 
30 pliĆ© squats 
30 close leg squats 
10 sit ups in between each set 

10 bent knee bridges on bench 2x 
10 straight leg bridges on bench 2x 

Lunges on Bench 15 x Each Leg 

30 Calf raises 2x 

Kettle Ball squats 15 lbs 10x 3 

Standing Crunch 50 

Standing Leg Lifts 20x 3 
Standing leg lifts side 20x 3
- each leg 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Changing Things!

I've got 6 weeks till Summer and my long awaited sunshine and swimming suits! Yay!!!!! Yet as I write this I've seen only small changes in my body :( so I am changing things up a bit and posting all my workouts and my food that I eat for the day. I've got to keep better track of what I'm doing so that I can keep changing and improving! Also, if I write on my blog what I eat that day, the world sees it and maybe that will motivate me not to eat that extra piece of chocolate.

So here it is Wednesday Day 1, 4-16-14
1 Hour Spin Class and 1 hour Pilates.
  Here's how far I went in spin, my goal next week, 15 miles! 

Thursday day 2:
Arms and 30 minutes Elliptical
20 lb bicep curl - 16x 
25 lb bicep curl - 12x 
60lbs shoulder press machine 10 x 
50lb Shoulder Press Machine 10x 2 
40 lb Shoulder Press Machine 12x 
30 lb shoulder press machine 12x 
Tricep dips 20 x 3 
C curl 20 lbs 8 x 3 
Skull crushers 20 lbs 12 x 3 

Obliques - 
Figure 8 - 30x 15 lb 
Side to side- 25 Each Side 
Russian twists 10 lbs 50 - 2 x 

Friday: Day 3 
I taught my Core Cardio Class (HARD CLASS) 

Saturday Day 4 - Chest / Arms 
Elliptical 25 Minutes: 409 Calories! 

25 lb chest presses 10x 2
30 lb chest presses 5 x2 
Reverse crunch on bench 10x 5 
15 lb flys 12x 10x 10x 
Chest press X : 
20 lb 10x - 
15 lb 15x 
Reverse flys sitting - 15 lb 10x 3 
30 lb Rows e/s 10 x 3 
Oblique Figure 8 with 15lb 25x 3
Bicep curl 20 lb 10x 2 Es 8x 
Dips 20 x3 
Ab cardio - knees up arms across 20 x 3 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Its Gardening Time!!!

If you know me, you know I LOVE to be outside. I need the Sunshine. One of my favorite hobbies is gardening. I am not good at it, and I kill A LOT of plants, but I love it. I love the hard work and the results of the hard work in the Fall. I love bringing out my buckets and wheel barrel just to haul my veggies back into the house. Its a great feeling of accomplishment. Today I start by tilling my garden, (I am getting excited thinking about it). This year I am hoping to have my BEST garden yet. I am hoping to have enough food to feed my family through the winter and cut down on our cost of food. I am spending way to much on produce when I can grow this all myself.

I started 2 weeks ago, with my small herb garden. I planted seeds in my little pots and they are sitting in my sunniest window and growing like crazy. This year I plan on having a good sized herb garden, since the benefits of herbs are AMAZING, there is no way that I can leave them out. Also they smell so good.

Not only am I trying to save my family money this way, I am teaching my kids hard work, I am growing my family healthy food, and I have found a hobby that I really enjoy.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday Update!

Hello Monday!
Today I took progress pictures. Yay, I see a difference! I may not have lost more then a couple pounds, but I am starting to see a flat tummy and thats all I want. I bought another new bikini, a very little bikini ;) I have 3 months till Summer and I can't wait to wear it! I will post the picture later. I don't know if I am ready for the world to see it just yet!

This week I have changed some things in my family against everyones wishes . . .  I decided that we are cutting out sugar. I read an article about how bad sugar is for us, and how addictive it can be to our bodies. Everything I read, I thought this is what is causing problems in my family. My kids eat sugar and they go CRAZY. I never put the two together, until we were at a family party and my kids had more sugar then they do in a week and they did not sleep that night, they did not behave, they were WILD. I wanted to pull my hair out. From that moment I decided that we don't need sugar, we don't need anything to make our boys any more rambuncsious then they already are.

We also have decided to limit our kids TV time. Any screen time. In just 3 days of no screen my kids have gotten a long better. They actually play with there toys. This is not just for them, I decided to do it to. My kids are only little once, I don't need to spend hours on Pinterest to think of things for my kids to do, when all we have to do is go on a walk or go play cars. They don't really care what we are doing as long as I am playing with them.

I am doing great in my healthy life. I am eating healthy and exercising every day. I love this feeling of being healthy, and I can totally tell a difference when I don't. I feel fat, I break out, my skin is not soft, I am thirsty, I crave junk food, and the list goes on, why would I want to live like that! I am happy living the natural healthy life!

Thank you for reading.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Taco Tuesday!

How Amazing does this look? 

Every Tuesday, we make tacos. Healthy Tacos. This one includes: 

Corn Tortilla 
Brown Rice
Ground Turkey Seasoned with Taco Seasoning 
Plain Greek Yogurt 

Simple, Yes. Everyone knows how to make a taco, but this one was just so pretty :) Enjoy! 


My old address was long, it also did not represent what I wanted out of my blog. I don't just want to compete in a marathon. I want so much more. So I changed the address to way smaller :) It also shows that I am not just running I am eating healthy, I am training hard,  and changing my life for the better!
Thank you all for reading my blog, who knew I would ever have so many people support me?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentines Day Update!

My goal was to transform my body in 6 months, then 6 weeks, then I gave myself another 6 months. Yes, I am changing my body, but this has been the biggest learning process for me! I have learned that without drinking 70 oz of water a day, I feel like crap! I have learned that I can't keep doing the same exercises and expect to see changes in my body. I have learned that doing legs for 2 hours one day will make you cry for a week after. . . yes cry!!! Biggest thing that I have learned is, portion control. I got stuck at the same weight, I could not figure out why my body was not losing weight. I went back to the basics and measured out all my food, 1/4 cup of raisins is small. I was eating 1/2 cup or more, and counting that as 120 calories. No more, and because of it, I have started to loose again!

This process has been amazing. I am learning about healthy changes that I can apply in my life and my families. I have tried new recipes, vitamins, workouts, teas, and all other types of "healthy" changes. Since January 1st, I have lost 5 pounds. Its not a ton, but most important I changed how I eat and how I exercise. I don't eat junk. Its not worth wasting my calories on crap that is not even going to fill me up. I don't miss fast food in anyway, and to think about eating it now, makes me sick. For 6 weeks. I have lived a 95% perfect healthy life. I say 95% because I have eaten ice cream and oreos on 3 occasions!

I feel so much better getting rid of junk. My skin feels softer. I have more energy. My hair is longer. I can run faster and longer. I like to be on the treadmill. These are just a couple things that I can see a change in. I am proud of our change and I don't want to ever go back.

I don't update my blog daily, but know that I still see all your views and your comments and I really appreciate the support that I have been given. If I can loose 55 pounds anyone can! I am grateful for the body that I have, I am blessed that I can do the exercises that I love. If you don't follow my instagram, I will post some pictures from the last couple weeks! I have been busy!!!

I hope you all have an awesome Valentines Day! XoXo!!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Shrimp and Mushroom Lettuce Wraps

Shrimp and Mushroom Lettuce Wraps
This is a HORRIBLE picture, but I promise this is one of my new FAVORITE dinners! I will be making this on a weekly bases! So maybe next week, I will take better photos. 




This recipe was enough to feed my family of 5. Just add a bit of all ingredients to your lettuce leaf. Roll it up and ENJOY! 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Motivation Monday!

Week 2 of my "Get Ready for Summer Challenge" and I gained a pound . . . 

I have done great at eating this week, at least I thought I was. I look back on the week now and I see that yes we ate healthy and I only had 1 dessert, I did not watch my portions in any way. So no surprise that I am a pound heavier. 

Its only motivation for me this week to see that number on the scale rise. So this week I am stepping it up! I am drinking more water, and saying NO to sugar all together! Its not good and I don't need it. 

We only have 138 days till June 1st and I am so ready for my bikini body back! 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Purple Protein

Is that not the prettiest purple shake??? 

Purple Protein Shake
8 OZ Coconut Milk
1/4 Cup Blueberries 
1/4 Cup Black Berries 
1/2 Cup Ice
1 Scoop /  Package of Vanilla Protein Powder 

Blend. Enjoy. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Review of 2013

Even though we are 6 days into the new year. I am looking back on my 2013 New Years Resolutions. I can see that I have failed . . . And actually it shows me that maybe I should not make so many "goals" :) With that being said, I am happy with 2013 though. The last couple months were really hard on me, but I survived and its only made me a stronger person. I know what I need to work on, and I want to do my best this year!

Reviewing 2013's Goals: 
  1. Be a Better Mom - Maybe a little better! You'd have to ask my boys :) I feel like I have been calmer and tried to be more involved with them! 
  2. Eat Clean / Healthy - SAY NO TO SUGAR :) I have done BETTER then the year before so that counts right??? 
  3. Be in better Shape - Look good in my Bikini: I did look good in my bikini over the Summer, so YES I did complete this! Now its time to look that good or better this year! 
  4. Organize my Home - YES!!! I have done much better at this! Taking things one day at a time! 
  5. Learn More - I have leaned more, but I still have so much more I want to learn! 
  6. Give more Hugs - Yep, I have become a hugger :) 
  7. Swear Less or Not at All - Well, I have sworn less . . . I still need to work on this. 
  8. Be an Even Better Wife - Again, Ask the hubby. I am trying, does that count??? 
  9. Read More - NOPE. Totally failed at this one! 
  10. Appreciate My Friends - YES. I have great friends and I am so grateful they are in my life! 
  11. Pray More - YES! I feel like I have prayed more this year then I ever have! 
  12. Be in the Moment - I think I need to work on this one a little more. Time is going so fast, I need to focus on now, and not what the future COULD offer. 
  13. Take more Pictures / Video - ANOTHER FAIL! 
  14. Serve Others - This is also a 2014 resolution, because I don't think that I really served a whole lot! 
  15. Be Happy - I am happy. I am very blessed. I am grateful for all that I have and that makes me happy. 
So there it is. . . Welcoming the New Year! 2014 is going to be the best year yet! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Goals

So I am HORRIBLE at chalk board writing. Other people can make these look AMAZING, and I am here looking like my kids drew all over it!
Anyway, these are my 8 New years Resolutions. Its not going to be easy, but I want to change certain things about my life and this is the top 8! Maybe with a smaller list I will get these things done :)

My Chalk Board New Years Resolutions!