Sunday, December 30, 2012


2013??? That seems really strange to write. I have a few goals in mind that I want to accomplish. I hope that this year is as successful as 2012.

2013 New Years Resolutions 

  1. Be a Better Mom
  2. Eat Clean / Healthy - SAY NO TO SUGAR :) 
  3. Be in better Shape - Look good in my Bikini
  4. Organize my Home 
  5. Learn More 
  6. Give more Hugs
  7. Swear Less or Not at All 
  8. Be an Even Better Wife
  9. Read More
  10. Appreciate My Friends 
  11. Pray More
  12. Be in the Moment
  13. Take more Pictures / Video 
  14. Serve Others
  15. Be Happy 
15 Things is more then enough. They are harder things this year. Some are the same. Maybe if they are on my list 2 years in a row they will get done the second time around. I am grateful for another amazing year to come. I am blessed to have my sweet children and my awesome husband who put up with me and make me feel special. I am grateful for my family and friends, and all the support that others have given me. Even though I have 2 days till 2013, I am starting today! 

What did I do???

Its almost the end of 2012. I am a little sad. 2012 was a good year for me. My family and I were able to do so much together. We took an amazing trip to Disneyland, I went back to school and I finished school. I did things that I wanted to do, and I am so blessed for all the opportunities that I have been given. Last year I wrote a big list of new years resolutions. Here they are.

My New Years Resolutions -
  • Get to 140 pounds - YES! 
  • Run a half marathon - NOPE - Maybe 2013???
  • Work out 6 days a week - YES
  • Try new recipes - YES
  • Save Money - YES
  • Finish the Book of Mormon - ALMOST
  • Read more books - YES
  • Do more crafts - YES, THANKS TO CRAFT NIGHT
  • Spend more time with my kids - NOT AS MUCH AS I WANTED TO! 
  • Grow a garden - YES
  • Be more organized - NOPE - I AM SO BAD AT THIS
  • Be a better wife - YES - BUT YOU HAVE TO ASK MY HUSBAND :) 
  • Try new things - YES
  • Be more understanding of others - YES/NO I HAVE A HARD TIME WITH THIS
  • Gain a Testimony - YES
  • Be a good YW leader - I HOPE SO
  • Serve - YES
  • Get to a size 6 - DOES A 7 COUNT??? 
  • Learn to Wake Board - YES!!! I DID THIS AND IT WAS AWESOME! 
  • Be a better house keeper - NOT BETTER BUT MY HOUSE IS CLEAN :) 
  • Potty Train Isaac - YES! 
I actually accomplished more then I thought I was going to. This makes me feel good and I can see that my huge list was not so hard to finish! I can't believe it was a year ago when I wrote this! It seems like a couple months ago! I will write and post my "new" new years resolutions. For now, GOODBYE 2012!!!! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A little update.

This week I have been so sick, I hate that's have not worked out, but I know my body needs to rest to get over this stupid cold! I've decided that as soon as I can I'm starting cut, (lower my body fat) this week I've really tried to eat healthy this week. But it's a week before Christmas. I've gained weight, staying inside because of the cold and not going out to play and not sticking to my clean eating has not been good on my body. It makes me mad, but I'm also have more muscle mass then I ever have. I won't have a problem cutting. I want it more then anything. I can do this!!! With 6 days till Christmas I am promising myself that I won't gain anymore weight. I got a job as a personal trainer I start in January. I also am teaching a group fitness class! This is huge and just what I wanted!!! I'm so excited to start! It's a good feeling to know all my hard work studying has paid off!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I found some pins on pinterest, thought I'd share!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Guess what???

I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I now have to be CPR certified and I'm an official personal trainer!
Thank you for all the support!!! And thanks to my awesome husband and kids who have been so supportive!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Easy Crockpot Chicken

Last night I made some amazing chicken for dinner and who knew it could be so easy!

You need a package of chicken breasts. 1 cup water. 1 light raspberry vinaigrette dressing.

Put all of it in the crock pot for 4 hours! Done! I added rice and a salad. Perfect healthy dinner!

I hope it's over!

This has been super busy month and I'm not doing very well updating my blog! With Christmas right around the corner, and trying to finish school this has already been a busy month!!! For 3 days I have been taking my final exam to be a personal trainer. I find out within the next three days if I passed. I think I did good. I took my time. I studied like crazy. I think I know my stuff! I pray that I passed so I don't have to go through 3 more days of sitting in a chair!

I have already been offered a job, I'm so excited! I just have to pass this exam. I think that is why I am so nervous! I want this job so bad. Send positive thoughts my way!!!

I am still really hoping to compete in a Body building competition! The last 3 months I've gained weight I've really bulked up, not what I want. So now it's time to cut. I'm giving myself 12 weeks. I've started now at 1500 calories a day, after Christmas I'm going to 1300 calories. I'm starting new years resolutions in January, I will post those at a later time. It's time now to go over my old resolutions and see how badly I failed ... Or succeeded!

I'll post as soon as I get my results! Send me happy thoughts!!!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Quick Update!

I am so close to finishing my personal training certification, I just have to take the final exam and I'm done. I have decided to focus on working with women postpartum. It was not easy for me to lose weight after I had my children I had to work really hard at it, but now I feel that I am in better shape now than when I got pregnant with my first six years ago! I want to help other women do the same. I've decided that after I get my personal training certification I am going on to get my nutrition certification. As much as I love to exercise I know that I don't lose weight unless I am eating healthy!
I know that nutrition is just as important as an active lifestyle and I want to be well-rounded in all areas!

Tomorrow morning I'm headed to the gym, I'm trying some new workouts I found on Pinterest. I'm actually really excited to go even though I had a killer workout today! Here are couple of the exercises that I found.

Have a good weekend!!!

Crock Pot Taco Soup

I saw an amazing recipe for taco Soup. It was easy and I had all the ingredients. It also was pretty good for you to, low-fat and it tasted amazing!

You need:
One package chicken thighs
One can black beans
One can red beans
One 8 ounce package cream cheese fat free
One small onion
One taco seasoning packet
Two cans diced tomatoes
16 ounces water

Put chicken tomatoes and taco seasoning in crockpot with water. Cook on low for five hours. Shred chicken and add all other ingredients. Cook for another hour. Then serve! You can add cheese and sour cream.

This really was such an amazing recipe I can't wait to make it again! Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday Update!

So I completed my challenge! And not only did I complete it, I succeeded! I stayed the same weight, I made sure I did not stuff myself. And I feel completely grateful for the many blessings that I have in my life!

I am so glad that I set goals for myself! They gave me motivation not to go crazy and forget what I've done and why I want to stay on track! I am setting new goals for the Christmas holiday. For the month of December I am limiting sugar to two times a week. I will continue to exercise five days a week. I will not gain weight, I will lose weight in the month of December.

Even with this crazy Christmas holiday season I want to make sure that I keep my goals in mind. I never want to go back where I was I want to be in the best shape of my life!

Monday, November 26, 2012

My Recommendation!!!!

I have to tell you about my experience with NO-XPLODE. I gave it a couple weeks before I wrote a review about it. I wanted to make sure I gave it a little while to see all the effects of it, but from the first time I tired it, I LOVED it! 

My sister who is a bigger fitness fanatic then I, told me to try it. She said I would love it and that it would really push me! Its is everything she said and more! So thanks sister!!! 

The first time I took it I took 1 1/2 scoops and it was WAY to much for me. I would say 1 scoop is perfect it gives you energy for hours. While I work out it lets me push myself and makes me do more reps and have more endurance then I normally would without it. I don't get tired during my workout no matter what I do. For me the more I workout the longer I want to keep exercising. 

In 3 weeks of taking this I have gained more muscle in my arms and legs. I have moved up 2 weight sizes in Free Weights and can do reps that I never thought possible. It helps me focus on what I have to do, and helps me workout longer without fatigue. 

I only take 1 scoop on the days that I know I am working out hard. I would never take this stuff after 2 pm or I may never sleep. 

The taste is not great, I got the fruit punch. Its not bad but its strong. For me I don't really care what it taste like I drink it really fast and know its going to work. 

I totally recommend NO-Xplode. I tell women at the gym that they have to try it! Its totally changed my workouts and given me strength that I did not know I have! 

So there it is! My recommendation for an awesome supplement. I got mine from it shipped fast and I got a great deal on it. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The NEW Me!

For a couple weeks I've thought about changing my hair! I LOVE my pink and blonde but my hair was so damaged! So last night I got this cRaZy idea!

I just went for it. When it was over I cried... When I woke up I cried... Now i think I like it :) I think! It's a fun change! I want long hair, like really long! This is a start. Lets see what I can do!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thanksgiving Motivation

I know this week is a week to enjoy food, but I am setting my goals today to start my thanksgiving challenge!

The Rules!

#1 - Portion Control: I want to try everything but there is no reason to go crazy!

#2 - maintain the same weight: If I can loose, awesome ... But let's be real it's thanksgiving!

#3 - Exercise 5 Days a week! I plan on my normal exercise schedule and may even up it a little.

#4 - Be grateful!

Do the challenge with me! It's not going to be easy, but it's worth it and your body and scale will thank you! Haha!!! I found some motivational pins on pinterest!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A CrAzY Week!

Who knew that my stupid goat would ever be famous and turn my perfectly NORMAL week into a crazy weird mess!


Yes, this is my goat. So I thought I should tell the "true" story, and why not here! I blog about my workouts and my recipes why not write about my personal life and all the crazyness that comes along with it, right?

To start I will explain why I have a goat. We have a pretty big back yard, and my husband and I love animals. We were so excited to find a Miniature Myotonic (fainting) goat. We had to have him! We got him when he was only 2 days old, for our two year old for Easter. We bottle fed him 5 times a day for 12 weeks. He really was the cutest little baby goat you have every seen! Tiny little thing. 1 1/2 years later he is out back and a fantastic little lawn mower.

On Monday, I open the door to find Animal Control. They asked if we were missing a goat. Yes he was ours. They told me this story that Voldemort chased a 14 year old boy up a tree. We laughed about it and he gave me the address to pick up our goat. I threw the kids in the truck and off we went. I had a pretty good laugh about it, knowing that our goat would never attack, but I am pretty sure was trying to hump the poor kid! I even called my dad and told them how crazy and funny this whole thing was.

When I pulled up, there was Voldemort looking as guilty as ever! Tied up and waiting to go back home. The police officers helped me load him up into my truck, and we talked for a little while, they said the local newspaper wanted to do a story on it! The newspaper heard the goat "attacked" a boy, and wanted to do a story. We all laughed and I apologized over and over! We are pretty sure someone let him off, and he just went looking for a friend!

We went on our way, tied Voldemort back up, making sure he can NEVER escape again! I thought nothing more of it, and posted Voldemort for sale, I knew he needed a better home. The next day, I get a phone call from the police saying the news wants to do a story on it! I was surprised, because as funny as it is, I also thought "what a stupid thing to report on". I agreed to do the interview, I've never been on TV before and hey we thought it would be a good idea to get it out there he was for sell.

The reporter came and I laughed through the entire interview! Not what I planned! So I have this huge stupid grin on my face. My once chance on tv and I don't even look cute :)

I waited 4 hours to see what they've come up with to put on TV. I honestly was more nervous to see how I looked and what dumb things came out of my mouth then what the story was!

My family watched it with me, the phone calls and Facebook messages appeared, and I laughed with everyone and went to bed. The next morning I woke up and my FB Was exploding, Volemorts story on MSNBC and the goat story had gone VIRAL! I get a message from the police that David Letterman wanted to get ahold of us. I was getting comments from people I did not know. It started to scare me! I have always wanted to be famous, but never for owning a goat!!! I mean really that's kind of embarrassing!

I feel more bad for the kid this happened to cause, who wants to be known as the kid the goat tried to hump? But really he is a pretty intimidating goat and if I did not know him, I would run up a tree too! I feel so bad for his parents trying to find him that morning and how scared they must have been. I have never met him, but would love to apologize to him!!

This whole week has been one more crazy thing right after another! Voldemort really does not have his tongue sticking out all the time, just when you get close he tries to lick you and if he does not know whats going on, he snorts! He really is just a normal goat. We have found a good home for Voldemort right after everything calms down, he's headed there. Having a goat is fun, but obviously he needs a better home with friends to be with. We are sad to see him go but can visit any time!

So there is my side of the story I'm not some crazy goat lady that lets her goat run wild. Everything has turned out okay. My life just took a weird turn that gives me a weird story to tell my grand kids! I want to thank all my family and friends for the laughs and the fun week that we have had together, I want to thank the Smithfield Police Department and Animal control for being so nice about everything and not giving me a fine . . . I want to thank my kids and my husband for the crazy week and the good times that we have had this week. Its one that I will never forget! Thanks for reading!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday Morning

I am loving this extra hour of sunshine in morning! I like waking up at 6:30, I get so much done. I have time to clean my house make a big breakfast, and today I worked out at home! I found some workouts on pinterest and after doing all 3 it was an awesome 30 minute workout! Just what I needed to get my day started. This afternoon I'm taking my boys on a walk. Try and enjoy the last bit of sunshine before it snows! Fall is almost over I'm going to enjoy the last bit of warm weather that's left.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


The last 2 weeks, I have gained a little weight, honestly I am sure it's to much sugar. I never knew how much sugar I actual consumed, until I started tracking my food on myfitnesspal, again. It's way more then I'd like to admit. Gaining weight was such a disappointment! For 2 months I've stayed around 138. It was a huge surprise to see the 140's again on the scale! It got me so depressed, I cried.

This week I'm changing. I want to my Abs!!! Because I am not making progress I know it's time to up my game! I'm going to add an extra hour of cardio. I'm only giving myself one true rest day. This week I'm going to try lots of new recipes. I am setting a personal goal of no fast food, even if it is a salad!

I found some motivational pins on pinterest! Hope they motivate me and you!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ham and Bean Soup

We got our first snowfall yesterday. I knew it was a day to make soup for dinner! I had a lot of ham left over from Sunday dinner and knew exactly what I was going to do with it! Ham and Bean soup. This recipe is a family favorite and I thought "this is healthy why not share the recipe?" so here you go! 

Ham and Bean Soup

1 Ham Bone
1 Cup Diced Ham (if you want a little extra)
1 1/2 Cups Chicken Broth
10 Cups Water
2 Cans Great Northern Beans
1 Cup Chopped Celery 
1 Cup Diced Carrots 
1 Diced Onion
1 Can Tomato Sauce
Salt and Pepper to taste 

Boil Ham Bone, Diced Ham and Onion for 1 Hour in Water. Till the meat is soft and falls off bone. 

Add Chicken Broth, Celery, Beans, Carrots, and Tomato Sauce. Boil until veggies are cooked. Add Salt and Pepper. 


Healthy Brownies - No Sugar!!!

I found a recipe for brownies that looked AMAZING, but they were full of sugar and and had a lot of butter in them. Not for me!

I altered the recipe and came up with my own NEW amazing brownies! My kids LOVED them and had no idea they were good for you. My husband who is my biggest critic could not tell they were healthy. That is really a good thing, because usually he can always tell, he has "healthy food radar" and won't eat anything too good for him :) These brownies were a nice fluffy cake like brownie and is now my new go to treat recipe! Easy and no sugar . . . PERFECT!!!

Recipe for Healthy Brownies 

3/4 Cup Flour
1/2 Cup Unsweetened Cocoa
3/4 Cup Honey
1/2 TSP Salt
1/2 TSP Baking Soda
4 TBS Coconut Butter (softened)
3 Medium Eggs
1 TSP Vanilla
1/2 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt
1/4 Cup Chocolate Chips

Preheat Oven to 350 Degrees.

Mix all ingredients (except Chocolate Chips) VERY WELL.  Continue to scrape sides of bowel.

Add in Chocolate Chips, mix on slow speed.

Bake for about 30 Minutes in a 9x9 Pan.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Today's Pinterest Abs

I found this pin on pinterest! This was a great Ab workout. It was not as easy as I thought it would be. I added some squats and lunges and some dumbbells for arms and had an awesome 30 minute workout!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My workout with kids!

Today I worked out at home. After about 20 minutes, my boys were driving me crazy! So I made them part of my work out. I held my 25 pound son, and did sit ups and crunches, holding him on my lap and chest. Not only did it make him happy but it was an excellent workout for me. I did squats holding him. He thought it was hilarious and my legs and bum definitely felt the burn! I got a great 30 minute workout and spent time with my kids! They were great motivators and he kept telling me to keep going!
Later we walked to the park. I played with them I went up and down the slide, I did pull-ups on the monkey bars and I pushed a stroller weighing 50 pounds!
It was not the best nor the hardest workout that I've done but I exercised today, I didn't make any excuses. I feel like I also helped my kids with getting them out and active.

Monday, October 15, 2012

My Motivation Monday

This weekend I had a lot of fun parties and craft night! With treats. I'm not trying to loose any more weight. I don't care about the number on scale like I used to. My biggest goal is to be fit and healthy.
I'm on week 3 of my challenge that I have with my gym. Still no sugar! Which is not to bad, I know that I eat healthy. On Saturday, I gave myself a cheat day for out Football party, I did not even want sugar, but I ate it and then CRAVED it! So I just kept snacking! Not a ton, but way more then I normally eat. :(
Today I paid for it in the gym! I always can tell when I am not eating healthy, I am not as strong as I normally am. My workouts are harder. I'm not as alert! I hate this feeling. I don't need sugar, I don't need to give into my cravings, I don't ever want to feel sluggish again!

Even though I felt weak, I really tried to push through it and give it my all today! I had to make up for my crazy weekend. Today, I looked in the mirror and could see that I'm so much stronger then I was six months ago. I like the way I look. I don't know the last time or if I have ever felt like this.
I feel strong. I like it! Haha!!!
Today I found a couple motivational pins from Pinterst.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Off Track

The last couple days, I have kinda gotten off track! I had a HUGE mint milk shake :( and yesterday I did not really workout like I normally do. I did not push myself! This morning I woke up and feel like crap. I love what good food and exercise does for me but I can't seem to make that my motivation. I'm still doing my points contest with my gym, I'm not losing, but not winning. I have time to make it up! I can do this.
I found a couple pictures on pinterest that are great for motivation! I need more motivation. I have goals and one day I'm going to be there! By Christmas I will have my six pack abs!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Healthy chicken noodle soup

This was the perfect Fall dinner. I used what I had harvested in my garden. It was perfect for a cold day!

You Need-
1 Box Vegetable pasta
6 Cups Water
2 TBSP Seasoning Salt
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup chopped Carrots
1 cup cut green beans
1/2 Cup diced onion
2 cups diced cooked chicken

In large pan heat chicken and onions.
Add water and noodles. Boil for about 10 minute. Turn to low heat and add vegetables. Leave on low heat and cover for 30 minutes or until vegetables Are cooked!

That's it, sooooo easy!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Its time for an update!

This week has been crazy! I started school and got 100% on my first quiz! I am so excited to be going back to school, even if it is just for personal training certification. It's giving me motivation to continue to work out and eat healthy! My goal is to have a six pack by Christmas, and to finish my certification!
A group at my gym has started a competition for the month of October, we get points for doing things like eating certain amount of fruits and vegetables, drinking eight glasses of water and no sugar. So far I'm doing really well At the Challenge! I went four days with no sugar! The funny thing is after the first day I don't even want sugar anymore at all. I feel better, I feel healthier, even after just five days on a no sugar diet, and I lost a pound! This week I also got called skinny a couple times! That has never happened to me. And it was a good feeling.
I want to win my challenge not for the money, just for the fact that I know that I ate healthier and I can stay on a healthy lifestyle and have a Goal in mind. I really do want to compete in a bikini competition, and has started training hard for that. I make sure I don't miss a workout, and when I work out I give it my all!
I want to be a personal trainer because I want to help others feel as good as I have, throughout this process of losing weight and gaining a healthy lifestyle. I want people to know that if I can do it anyone can do it! I am proud of myself at how far I've come in a short amount of time. I know that I will never go back to my old eating habits and my lazy lifestyle. I love the way I feel, I love the way I work, and I love how happy I am. I like being asked the question of how I did it and what I did to lose weight! It gives me motivation to continue and know that I'm on the right track of becoming a personal trainer. I know that this is what I want to focus my life on and help other people with the same problems.
My biggest challenge that I've overcome is an eating disorder. It feels so good to know that I've lost weight the healthy way and I can continue my healthy lifestyle without going to those bad habits. I'm grateful for the support, of my sisters and my husband. I've always felt that they have been there along the way encouraging me and challenging me to stay on track and become the person that I want to be. I'm so grateful for their support.

Two weeks ago we found out that our youngest son celiac disease. My goal for this week, is to find the yummiest recipes that are gluten/wheat free. I'm not just changing his diet I'm changing our family's diet. Finding out about his celiac disease has made me even more grateful that I started cleaning eating months ago, it's not been such a huge challenge getting used to switching our diets!
Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Avocado Grilled Cheese

I found this Avocado Grilled Cheese on pinterest and had to make it!!!

I have found my new favorite lunch! Mmmmm.... And my kids LOVED IT!!!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Easy & Healthy Chile

You Need:
1 pound ground turkey
2 Cans Red Beans ( I use one light and one dark)
2 TBLS Chile Powder
1 TBLS Garlic - diced
1 large onion - chopped
2 cans of Tomatoes - don't drain juice
Salt & Pepper - just a sprinkle!

In large pot, brown onion and turkey. Add all other ingredients and turn to low heat. Cover and let simmer for About 30 minutes. Stirring occasionally.
Serve with low-fat sour cream and a sprinkle of cheese! Enjoy!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Today I ordered my books and signed up for a Personal Training program! I'm going to be a PERSONAL TRAINER!!! Woohoo I am so excited! I am ready for this challenge and can't wait for my books to get here to start!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September Craft Night

Last Saturday was our monthly craft night! After taking a break for Summer it was so fun to get together again with the girls!!! I made a couple wood crafts, and they turned out so cute! I can not wait for next month! I know exactly what I will be making!

My Home Workout

Today I am working out in my living room! I'm not taking it easy. Today's workout is going to be 60 minutes of Abs and Leg exercises. I found all of these on Pinterst. Some are new and some I have posted on here before but can't wait to try them out!!! Here we go!!!

I used 8 Pounds Weights, for any leg lifts and side dumbbell lifts. 

To start I am warming up with this! 

Moving on to Abs, Each of these 30 Seconds. 


Back to Legs. 
Each of these Exercises. 20 Times on Each Leg. 


20 Times on Each Leg. 


25 On Each Leg. 

Hold 30 Seconds. 


Back to Abs! 

Each of these 20 Times on each side. 

Do these Again. Each 15 Times. 

Reverse sit up. I hold onto my Pole. 
 20 Times. 

End with This! 

Last I will Stretch for about 5 minutes. 

And I am DONE!!! WooHoo!!!

After my stretch I played on the Pole for a little bit, and that little bit ended up being 30 minutes! Oh, how time flies when you are having fun! Haha!!!