Thursday, May 22, 2014

Wednesday Food and Workout Journal

Yesterday at spin class I burned over 500 Calories according the the bike, and that for me is a personal best! Woohoo! Last night night at Pilates, we tried some new things, that I LOVED! It was such a good class, it is my favorite class to teach and I look forward to it every week.

My eating yesterday was awesome, except I ate a mini Andies Mint Ice Cream from A&W. My husband got it for me. At least it was a mini, but I got a headache from eating sugar. I guess that is not a bad thing, because it makes me not want to eat anything sugary again. I did eat very good the rest of the day. A lot of protein and only 2 snacks. For dinner we ate Chicken and Brown Rice with Green Beans and Pineapple. Yummy dinner!

Today is a new day, and I have already started off with an awesome workout!

Marissa B.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Monday Tuesday Update!

Yesterday I worked Legs and Glutes. I did not just worked them, I KILLED THEM . . . . Because today I can't sit down to go to the bathroom. The joys of "Leg Day" right? After I worked legs for an hour I was going to do some Cardio, my legs hurt so bad I walked on the incline on the treadmill for 15 minutes and called it good. I am disappointed in myself, but I listened to my body and I did what I could.

This morning I woke up, and went to Yoga! Ahhhh, I am LOVING yoga. How have I not always added this to my weekly workouts. I feel so good and relaxed, and beautiful. Yes, beautiful. I love to watch my body in the mirror, and see how I can stretch and focus on my posture, muscles, and breathing. My doctor told me I need to do more Yoga, with how stressed I am. Best advice I have gotten from a doctor! Tonight I teach my Cross Training Class, and the focus today will be upper body, so watch ladies!

My eating has been really good. Last night my husband and kids wanted pizza and of course my husband went and got it. I loaded my plate with salad first, then ate 1 1/2 pieces. I tried to stop at one, but lets face it, pizza is freaking good and I wanted just a couple more bites.

Monday Food Journal:

Breakfast: Grapefruit, Cup of Peppermint Tea, 4 Egg Whites

Snack: Granola Bar

Lunch: Chicken Wrap

Snack: Kashi Bar

Dinner: Salad, Pizza

Tuesday Food Journal:

Breakfast: Cup of Peppermint Tea, Rice Cake with 1 TSP Peanut butter

Breakfast 2: 1/2 Cup Oatmeal, with 1/4 Cup Raisins and some almond milk and honey

Lunch: Protein Shake and a Banana

Snack: Kashi Bar

Snack: Rice Cake

Dinner: Taco Salad with 2 Corn Tortilla

Dessert: 2 Mint Oreos ( I know, I know, but it was a long night spent in the ER, with my son. )

I am feeling so much better, and I know that it is drinking more water and cutting out sugar. I feel so much better when I eat healthy. Today at Yoga my balance was off a little and I know that its because I had pizza last night. I am amazed at how good food changes your body. I am also drinking way more water, my skin is softer and I don't feel like eating the entire house at snack time. My favorite way to drink water is with lemon slices, YUM!

I have 11 Days till June 1st. I know that even with some bad set backs, I will see the results I wanted!

Thanks for Reading,
Marissa B.

Monday, May 12, 2014

A New Week!

Still not feeling 100%.  This SUCKS! I have a headache and dizziness, after seeing the chiropractor, my family doctor and the eye doctor. I am feeling slightly better. Its so frustrating to be in this situation, when I have less then 3 weeks till Summer vacation and my deadline! So again this week, I am being super careful about what I eat. No sugar. Thats not the bad part, the part that is horrible is not being about to go and do an hour of cardio, and lift heavy weights! Can you tell, I hate to rest?

My workout today was 15 Minutes stretching and yoga poses. 30 Minute light weight arms exercises.  I only used 8 pound weights. It was not the best, but I feel good that at least I got something in. Its is better then nothing.

Tomorrow is another day!
Marissa B.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Monday - Friday

This week, I got sick. So my workouts were good, but I had to skip Thursday and Friday.  I got an inner ear infection, which made me get vertigo. Along with a pounding headache. I thought I was dying! The pain has been less today, FINALLY! But I am still taking it very slow! I can't risk feeling like garbage next week! I have only 3 weeks till my Summer Vacation! It is so disappointing that I can't be killing it in the gym every day! I am really trying to eat healthy though. I have had low sodium and NO sugar for a week. I have ate a lot of fruit and veggies and lean meats. I am hoping that even though I can't make it to the gym my healthy eating will make up for it. They say its 90% diet right? Lets see how accurate that it :)

Monday: Legs 90 Minutes
Tuesday: Cross Training & Pilates 120 Minutes TOTAL
Wednesday: Spin Class and Pilates 120 Minutes TOTAL
Thursday & Friday: Rest

This week we ate some super yummy dinners! Shrimp Lettuce Wraps, Brown Rice Chicken and Veggies. The only breakfast that I have ate is Oatmeal with Raisins, mmmmmm!!!! Seriously all I want is oatmeal w/ cinnamon and raisins, LOTS of raisins!

Happy Friday Everyone!
Marissa B.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

This Week in a Nut Shell

This has been one of those weeks, where it is Monday, you blink and its Sunday afternoon and you don't know what happened to all those days in between ;)

We have had 4 Soccer games, soccer practices, and since I am the coach for my little guys team there is so much more work involved. Family Parties. I am training more clients. I am preparing for Smithfield Health Days. I am setting up a booth to promote my Personal Training, so if you are at Healthy Days, come stop by and see me. All in All this has been a busy week, but that does not mean I missed any of my workouts. I got new shoes and a new yoga top and that is good enough for me to go workout!

Seriously, can they be even cuter??? Of course they are bright pink!

My Workouts Tuesday - Sunday!

Tuesday: Taught Cross Training Class + 20 Minutes of Arms / Shoulders + 10 Minute Bike Ride

Wednesday: Treadmill 20 Minutes / 20 Minutes Elliptical, 30 Minutes of Advanced Pilates + a 10 minute Bike Ride

Thursday: 60 Minutes Cardio, 10 Minute Bike Ride, 20 Minute Arms

Friday: 15 Minute Walk, 30 Minutes Elliptical, 45 Minutes Weights

Saturday: 25 Minute HIIT Training on Treadmill on incline. 65 Minutes Total Body Weights, I did write EVERYTHING down that I did. My goal for Saturday, was lighter weights, total body, and more reps.

Squat/hammer curl/shoulder press 12x w/ 12 lb. Weights 
Box steps 20x Holding 12 lb. Weight 
Planking Leg Lifts on Box 20x 
Repeat 5 x 

Vibrating Squat w/ calf raise 90 Seconds. 
12 lb. Bicep Curls 20x 
Tricep Dips on Bench 20x w/ 1 Leg out in front. 
Repeat 3x 

Upright Rows 20x 15 lb. 
PliĆ© Squat 20x Holding 15 lb. Weight 
Chest Presses 20x 15 lb. 
Repeat 3x

Skull Crushers 20x 15 lb. 
Reverse Crunch 20x 
Flys 15x 10 lb. 
Repeat 3x

Sunday: My Rest Day. Walk and Stretching.

This week I will be much better at keeping up to date, and writing down my food. I also have found a couple new recipes to try and if they are yummy I will post them!
Have a good Sunday!

Marissa B.