Sunday, September 30, 2012

Avocado Grilled Cheese

I found this Avocado Grilled Cheese on pinterest and had to make it!!!

I have found my new favorite lunch! Mmmmm.... And my kids LOVED IT!!!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Easy & Healthy Chile

You Need:
1 pound ground turkey
2 Cans Red Beans ( I use one light and one dark)
2 TBLS Chile Powder
1 TBLS Garlic - diced
1 large onion - chopped
2 cans of Tomatoes - don't drain juice
Salt & Pepper - just a sprinkle!

In large pot, brown onion and turkey. Add all other ingredients and turn to low heat. Cover and let simmer for About 30 minutes. Stirring occasionally.
Serve with low-fat sour cream and a sprinkle of cheese! Enjoy!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Today I ordered my books and signed up for a Personal Training program! I'm going to be a PERSONAL TRAINER!!! Woohoo I am so excited! I am ready for this challenge and can't wait for my books to get here to start!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September Craft Night

Last Saturday was our monthly craft night! After taking a break for Summer it was so fun to get together again with the girls!!! I made a couple wood crafts, and they turned out so cute! I can not wait for next month! I know exactly what I will be making!

My Home Workout

Today I am working out in my living room! I'm not taking it easy. Today's workout is going to be 60 minutes of Abs and Leg exercises. I found all of these on Pinterst. Some are new and some I have posted on here before but can't wait to try them out!!! Here we go!!!

I used 8 Pounds Weights, for any leg lifts and side dumbbell lifts. 

To start I am warming up with this! 

Moving on to Abs, Each of these 30 Seconds. 


Back to Legs. 
Each of these Exercises. 20 Times on Each Leg. 


20 Times on Each Leg. 


25 On Each Leg. 

Hold 30 Seconds. 


Back to Abs! 

Each of these 20 Times on each side. 

Do these Again. Each 15 Times. 

Reverse sit up. I hold onto my Pole. 
 20 Times. 

End with This! 

Last I will Stretch for about 5 minutes. 

And I am DONE!!! WooHoo!!!

After my stretch I played on the Pole for a little bit, and that little bit ended up being 30 minutes! Oh, how time flies when you are having fun! Haha!!! 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Late night treat!

I found this ice cream in my local grocery store! Even though it was not on sale, I had to try it!
I just have to share how much I love it!!! Sooooo yummy!!! 130 calories and 9 grams of protein! I can finally have my late night ice cream and not feel guilty!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Today is a NEW day. I woke up so happy and in such a great mood! I could not pass up going to my first yoga class. I thought it would be a great way to exercise on my rest day. After a morning fight of getting my kids off to school I was frazzled, and thought my day was ruined! I went from being happy to being depressed and sad! But I went to yoga anyways and it was a great way to relax! I am so happy that I went it released a lot of the bad energy and stress that had built up this morning!
It was a lot harder than I thought it would be I thought yoga was a lot of stretching but it ended up being a great way to work my muscles, especially my core. I learned a lot of new exercises that I can't wait to try in my daily routines. I also learned positions to help relieve stress, and after the week I've had I need to relieve stress!!!!
My favorite part about the class was laying in the dark for three minutes alone quiet and focusing on my breathing. It calmed me down and made me think about the important things and not about the stress that I have had to deal with the last week. I am so happy that I went and tried something new it was a great experience that I can't wait to go back to.

I found this on Pinterest! Today I can say my yoga pants were not just used to clean the house in! :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Wednesday Workout

Today was a stay at home workout! I actually loved working out with my 3 year old. To watch him do jumping jacks will make you smile! I can wait to show him in 20 years!!! Haha!

Today I worked Abs. This is still my area, that I have a lot of fat. I want my six pack by Christmas! Woohoo!! So today I found 3 awesome sets of exercises that really worked my core!

I started with this set. I did all 10 exercises, 10 times on each side.

Then I did these two sets of exercises.
This workout took about 35 minutes, and was a great way to start my day!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday - My "rest" day

Tuesday and Sundays are my rest days. It's a nice break from the gym, and it gives my body a day to recover. I still exercise, but I don't do my hard hour long workouts. Tuesday and Sunday are my "active rest" days. Today, I am walking 3 miles, pushing a stroller, and I started my day with this quick workout!

Here is the link to the ab workout.

Then I did this quick cardio. It took about 15 minutes, but woke me up and gave me a great start to my busy day!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Motivation Monday

I decided to post my motivation that I have found throughout the week. Most of it was found on Pinterest. For me to see what I want gives me motivation to do it! I'm so much closer then I was a month ago. I can do this!!!

My garden

This year, I have been truly blessed. My garden produced more food then my family could eat. I was able to grow my own healthy veggies! It's been such a feeling of accomplishment! It's not been easy, it's been very hard work. I think that's why I feel so good about it. I have put the effort in, and it paid off!
This year while growing my garden, have learned ...
- if I want it done, I have to do it myself!
- bugs, as gross as they are, won't kill me.
- if you leave veggies from the year before, expect strange veggies this year. I have a cross between acorn squash and zucchini, and acorn squash and crookneck squash.
- weeds are a never ending battle.
- laying down newspaper, really does help keep the weeds down.
- you have to use what you pick pretty quickly!
- veggies won't grow without a lot of water :(
- i need to plant corn more then 2 inches apart.
- label everything I plant.
- plant seeds when I know it's safe. Some of my plants, died because of frost :(
- my boys are good help, for about 5 minutes...
- my garden saved me money.
- we ate healthier because of our garden.
- it was good family time.
- i am more appreciative of my mom, for teaching me how to garden and making us help her in the garden as kids.
- great exercise.
- gardening is therapeutic.

I completed one of my new years resolutions. Now that it's harvest time, it's I feel like I can check that off my list!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Hello Fall!!!

It's starting to cool down. The mornings are cold and I'm wearing a jacket! I'm not ready for summer to be over!!! This has been an amazing Summer. I have got to spend so much time with my family. I got to see friends that I have not seen for years. I tried new things. I met my goals. This Summer I changed my life.

Even though I have not posted on here as much as I would like. I hope that now things are slowing down, I can post more often!

Quick update: I have continued eating healthy. With a small treat here and there. I have really been trying to keep up with eating healthy. I am always looking for new recipes. I continue to workout 5-6 days a week. I have maintained my weight. I would have liked to loose a little more. But I am not losing pounds, just inches. :( I still weigh myself daily, to keep on track. I have started new classes at the gym and decided that I am loving kick boxing class! It's a great cardio workout!
I am ready to start new crafts, and decorate for fall, I'll post pictures as soon as I get it set up! Well that's about it, I really will try to post more and update often!
Thanks for reading!!!