Wednesday, May 27, 2015

It's almost Summer!

Last year I was prepping for a vacation! I was working as hard as I could to fit into my tiny bikini. 
This year I'm prepping to give birth!!! I have been exercising 4-5 days a week. I am really trying to listen to my body, especially the last couple weeks. My body can't do the same things as even a month ago. 
I am walking more and when I use weights I lift light. Very light between 5-8 pounds. I am also doing yoga still, I love yoga. I love what it's done for my body, my mind, my soul. 
My diet... Oh my diet. What can I say about my eating? 
I'll start by saying that I have tried soooo hard to eat healthy. With that being said I will talk about my cravings, cereal and watermelon. I can't get enough of either. I am trying to stay around 2200 calories. I'm trying to eat more protein but honestly it kinda grosses me out! My whole pregnancy I've been nauseated by chicken or turkey. I have craved carbs my whole pregnancy. 
I am trying my hardest to eat healthy, train the entire pregnancy. I have gained 33 pounds as of today. It's not what I wanted to be at but I am 25 pounds lighter then I was in my last 2 pregnancy a at this time. For me that's a huge accomplishment and I'm okay with gaining 33 pounds.