Friday, August 7, 2015

This week in a nutshell

This week was my birthday! So let's just say that eating was not on track... 
For my birthday I got a garmin vivosmart. I did a lot of research and I was so torn between a couple different fit watches. But the Garmin seem to be the best fit for me. After two days of wearing it I love it! This week I have worked out every single day. Some of them have not been hard workouts but I've done it! 
My biggest problem I am stuck at the same weight. I cannot drop this weight. I am frustrated and now it's time to take things to another level. I'm hoping this watch will help me track my calories a little bit better. I go back to work in a week. I don't feel like I should be teaching anyone how to exercise looking this way. I feel huge. I don't feel like I'm in Shape. But I'm going to get there. I'm going to lose this weight! 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Week 4

This week I've accomplished a lot! I'm 
getting the hang of 4 kids! Wow... That's something I never thought I'd say! 
This week I've walked and walked a lot! Not just me but my husband and my kids. I walk with the kids in the morning, we walk as a family at night. Last night we went 2.25 miles! 
My eating has been good to. This week I'm trying to stop breast-feeding and it's been hard to get used to eating lower calories. 

This week I got out all of my prepregnancy clothes I counted all of my pants I know it's a weird thing to do but I have 27 pairs of pants that do not fit. Size 4's, 5s, 6s and even some 7s. None of them fit. I laid them all out and I cried. that number on the scale has not gone down since two weeks after delivery. 
I can see a difference in my waste. Right now I have 25 pounds to lose. It seems like so much weight. Sometimes I feel like it's an impossible task. I didn't put it on in the day I won't take it off in the day. It's going to take time. And my little man was worth it. 
If I can see a difference in two weeks what's another two weeks going to bring? 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My postpartum plan:

On June 9 I had a little baby boy. He was born four weeks early. He had a lot of complications and ended up getting pneumonia. This little guy is a miracle though and is tough! 
Today he is four weeks old! I am so lucky to have four boys it is so fun! Changing from 3 to 4 kids has not been as hard as I thought it was going to be. Adjusting to having the baby has been difficult. There is so much stuff that you need to take with you everywhere! Everything rotates around his schedule. he eats every two hours. Luckily I have a very good baby, and that makes the transition a little bit easier. 
So I am four weeks out of having a baby and I thought I would have lost more weight by now. I only lost about 15 pounds after giving birth. That in itself is frustrating! After two weeks postpartum I started to walk every day and do simple yoga poses about three times a week. On three weeks postpartum we went on our first hike! 
Today marks four weeks postpartum and my doctor told me that I can start to do more yoga and Pilates. I am still going to take it slow until six weeks. But today I am going back to clean eating adding more protein to my diet and low carbs. I can work out as much as I want I won't lose weight it's all in the kitchen I have to work on my diet. So for the next two weeks until I can start back in the gym I am focusing on my diet longer yoga sessions and longer and faster walks. I'm hoping to start dropping a little bit more weight. I don't have any pants that fit!!! We grew a large garden this year. I have totally neglected it and it is covered in weeds, but we are still getting some vegetables and my plan is to eat out of the garden as much as possible. Not only does it save us money but it is healthy and I know where the food is coming from! That's important to me. I'm going to stay around 1800 to 2000 calories, until I fully stop breast-feeding, and hopefully that's in about two weeks. 

My last goal is to drink more water. A lot more water!!!  I've been adding fruit and herbs to my water. 

I want to get healthy again lower my blood pressure. Fit into my size 5 pants. Feel confident about my body. I go back to teaching The end of the summer. I want to be able to teach the classes with out feeling self-conscious, without getting winded, and to show other women that they can be fit after a baby. I want to be the example to others that life doesn't end after you have kids that you can still have the body that you want even if it does take more time and is harder to achieve. I want to show my kids that being healthy is important I want to live a long time and be around for my kids. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

It's almost Summer!

Last year I was prepping for a vacation! I was working as hard as I could to fit into my tiny bikini. 
This year I'm prepping to give birth!!! I have been exercising 4-5 days a week. I am really trying to listen to my body, especially the last couple weeks. My body can't do the same things as even a month ago. 
I am walking more and when I use weights I lift light. Very light between 5-8 pounds. I am also doing yoga still, I love yoga. I love what it's done for my body, my mind, my soul. 
My diet... Oh my diet. What can I say about my eating? 
I'll start by saying that I have tried soooo hard to eat healthy. With that being said I will talk about my cravings, cereal and watermelon. I can't get enough of either. I am trying to stay around 2200 calories. I'm trying to eat more protein but honestly it kinda grosses me out! My whole pregnancy I've been nauseated by chicken or turkey. I have craved carbs my whole pregnancy. 
I am trying my hardest to eat healthy, train the entire pregnancy. I have gained 33 pounds as of today. It's not what I wanted to be at but I am 25 pounds lighter then I was in my last 2 pregnancy a at this time. For me that's a huge accomplishment and I'm okay with gaining 33 pounds. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Last week I officially became Yoga certified!!!!

Yoga has changed my life. I can't say enough good things about yoga. Even though I am certified I am still such a beginner. I am not a flexible person. I am working on it, but seriously I don't bend into cool shapes. Even being certified I still feel that there is so much more for me to learn.

I love teaching yoga, and making other people feel good about there own bodies.  Doing something that you were not able to do a month ago is a great feeling. I love the feeling of relaxing to my own breathing. It has really helped my anxiety, #1 reason I started yoga.  I have also been doing yoga to help with a natural birth. Pre-natal yoga has really helped me feel better about my body and the choice that I am making to have a natural birth, its helped with lower back and hip pain that I had with my previous pregnancies.

So today my workout included 30 Minutes of Yoga + 40 Minutes of lifting. I use light weight now that I am pregnant. About 8-12 pounds each arm. I feel better lifting lighter weights, with higher reps.  I am not trying to build muscle being pregnant. I am trying to maintaing a healthy weight and keeping the muscle that I already have.  Between yoga, pilates, and wight training I feel like I have been doing a pretty good job of that. If only I can lay off the carbs!!!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Way to Long!!!

Okay, well I needed a break from my blog for a little bit, but who knew it was still so popular! I guess its time to update, and get back into this. I am doing this for me. I need the extra motivation that this blog brings me. I love to write about my feelings, my workouts, my food, my problems, and I don't care who reads it. Because its about me and my journey through this life.

Right now, I am 22 weeks pregnant. HUGE reason I have been MIA. I have had a lot of ups and downs with this baby. In the first trimester I was told 3 different times that I was going to miscarry again. So as I waited to miscarry my pregnancy symptoms got stronger, and my belly started to grow. In the back of my mind, I knew that everything was going to be okay. I have had 5 U/S showing a perfect little baby each time.

I don't love being pregnant, honestly # 1 reason. . . I hate getting fat. I am not the cute pregnant girl that gets a basketball baby belly and gains 15/20 pounds. I get big in my arms, my hips, and my face, before I even get the belly. My hips are to wide for my jeans by week 8! I was in maternity pants by 10 weeks. I have gained a total of 15 pounds, at week 20. I have not even stepped on a scale since then because its scary. I will update my weight gain when I feel safe to look at the scale. It sounds so vain, but when you've had an eating disorder and body image is plastered on everything we see its hard to see your body change. Its hard to loose that weight, I know I have been there. The thought of going through it all again is scary, but I know that with a lot of hard work and effort I can get back to my healthy weight and my healthy body.

Once you loose the weight, then what? Nobody really talks about whats next? You get down to your goal weight and it feels amazing. Are you happy with your body? How do you feel? Do you want to set another goal of loosing 5 more pounds?
Its a personal decision, but my goal is to keep the weight off. Keep a healthy lifestyle that not only makes me feel better but I can also push myself to do more and do better.

So my goals for this blog are to keep myself motivated, by helping others that are in the same shoes as me. My whole reasoning behind getting certified as a trainer was to help others. Why not help myself as I am going, right? I will update my progress or failures :)

I changed my instagram. I really only want to focus on fitness and my pre/post baby body. Follow me @fitmarissab on instagram.

18 Weeks 

21 Weeks