Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Last week I officially became Yoga certified!!!!

Yoga has changed my life. I can't say enough good things about yoga. Even though I am certified I am still such a beginner. I am not a flexible person. I am working on it, but seriously I don't bend into cool shapes. Even being certified I still feel that there is so much more for me to learn.

I love teaching yoga, and making other people feel good about there own bodies.  Doing something that you were not able to do a month ago is a great feeling. I love the feeling of relaxing to my own breathing. It has really helped my anxiety, #1 reason I started yoga.  I have also been doing yoga to help with a natural birth. Pre-natal yoga has really helped me feel better about my body and the choice that I am making to have a natural birth, its helped with lower back and hip pain that I had with my previous pregnancies.

So today my workout included 30 Minutes of Yoga + 40 Minutes of lifting. I use light weight now that I am pregnant. About 8-12 pounds each arm. I feel better lifting lighter weights, with higher reps.  I am not trying to build muscle being pregnant. I am trying to maintaing a healthy weight and keeping the muscle that I already have.  Between yoga, pilates, and wight training I feel like I have been doing a pretty good job of that. If only I can lay off the carbs!!!