Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentines Day Update!

My goal was to transform my body in 6 months, then 6 weeks, then I gave myself another 6 months. Yes, I am changing my body, but this has been the biggest learning process for me! I have learned that without drinking 70 oz of water a day, I feel like crap! I have learned that I can't keep doing the same exercises and expect to see changes in my body. I have learned that doing legs for 2 hours one day will make you cry for a week after. . . yes cry!!! Biggest thing that I have learned is, portion control. I got stuck at the same weight, I could not figure out why my body was not losing weight. I went back to the basics and measured out all my food, 1/4 cup of raisins is small. I was eating 1/2 cup or more, and counting that as 120 calories. No more, and because of it, I have started to loose again!

This process has been amazing. I am learning about healthy changes that I can apply in my life and my families. I have tried new recipes, vitamins, workouts, teas, and all other types of "healthy" changes. Since January 1st, I have lost 5 pounds. Its not a ton, but most important I changed how I eat and how I exercise. I don't eat junk. Its not worth wasting my calories on crap that is not even going to fill me up. I don't miss fast food in anyway, and to think about eating it now, makes me sick. For 6 weeks. I have lived a 95% perfect healthy life. I say 95% because I have eaten ice cream and oreos on 3 occasions!

I feel so much better getting rid of junk. My skin feels softer. I have more energy. My hair is longer. I can run faster and longer. I like to be on the treadmill. These are just a couple things that I can see a change in. I am proud of our change and I don't want to ever go back.

I don't update my blog daily, but know that I still see all your views and your comments and I really appreciate the support that I have been given. If I can loose 55 pounds anyone can! I am grateful for the body that I have, I am blessed that I can do the exercises that I love. If you don't follow my instagram, I will post some pictures from the last couple weeks! I have been busy!!!

I hope you all have an awesome Valentines Day! XoXo!!!

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