Saturday, July 11, 2015

Week 4

This week I've accomplished a lot! I'm 
getting the hang of 4 kids! Wow... That's something I never thought I'd say! 
This week I've walked and walked a lot! Not just me but my husband and my kids. I walk with the kids in the morning, we walk as a family at night. Last night we went 2.25 miles! 
My eating has been good to. This week I'm trying to stop breast-feeding and it's been hard to get used to eating lower calories. 

This week I got out all of my prepregnancy clothes I counted all of my pants I know it's a weird thing to do but I have 27 pairs of pants that do not fit. Size 4's, 5s, 6s and even some 7s. None of them fit. I laid them all out and I cried. that number on the scale has not gone down since two weeks after delivery. 
I can see a difference in my waste. Right now I have 25 pounds to lose. It seems like so much weight. Sometimes I feel like it's an impossible task. I didn't put it on in the day I won't take it off in the day. It's going to take time. And my little man was worth it. 
If I can see a difference in two weeks what's another two weeks going to bring? 

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