Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday Update!

Hello Monday!
Today I took progress pictures. Yay, I see a difference! I may not have lost more then a couple pounds, but I am starting to see a flat tummy and thats all I want. I bought another new bikini, a very little bikini ;) I have 3 months till Summer and I can't wait to wear it! I will post the picture later. I don't know if I am ready for the world to see it just yet!

This week I have changed some things in my family against everyones wishes . . .  I decided that we are cutting out sugar. I read an article about how bad sugar is for us, and how addictive it can be to our bodies. Everything I read, I thought this is what is causing problems in my family. My kids eat sugar and they go CRAZY. I never put the two together, until we were at a family party and my kids had more sugar then they do in a week and they did not sleep that night, they did not behave, they were WILD. I wanted to pull my hair out. From that moment I decided that we don't need sugar, we don't need anything to make our boys any more rambuncsious then they already are.

We also have decided to limit our kids TV time. Any screen time. In just 3 days of no screen my kids have gotten a long better. They actually play with there toys. This is not just for them, I decided to do it to. My kids are only little once, I don't need to spend hours on Pinterest to think of things for my kids to do, when all we have to do is go on a walk or go play cars. They don't really care what we are doing as long as I am playing with them.

I am doing great in my healthy life. I am eating healthy and exercising every day. I love this feeling of being healthy, and I can totally tell a difference when I don't. I feel fat, I break out, my skin is not soft, I am thirsty, I crave junk food, and the list goes on, why would I want to live like that! I am happy living the natural healthy life!

Thank you for reading.

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