Saturday, November 17, 2012

A CrAzY Week!

Who knew that my stupid goat would ever be famous and turn my perfectly NORMAL week into a crazy weird mess!


Yes, this is my goat. So I thought I should tell the "true" story, and why not here! I blog about my workouts and my recipes why not write about my personal life and all the crazyness that comes along with it, right?

To start I will explain why I have a goat. We have a pretty big back yard, and my husband and I love animals. We were so excited to find a Miniature Myotonic (fainting) goat. We had to have him! We got him when he was only 2 days old, for our two year old for Easter. We bottle fed him 5 times a day for 12 weeks. He really was the cutest little baby goat you have every seen! Tiny little thing. 1 1/2 years later he is out back and a fantastic little lawn mower.

On Monday, I open the door to find Animal Control. They asked if we were missing a goat. Yes he was ours. They told me this story that Voldemort chased a 14 year old boy up a tree. We laughed about it and he gave me the address to pick up our goat. I threw the kids in the truck and off we went. I had a pretty good laugh about it, knowing that our goat would never attack, but I am pretty sure was trying to hump the poor kid! I even called my dad and told them how crazy and funny this whole thing was.

When I pulled up, there was Voldemort looking as guilty as ever! Tied up and waiting to go back home. The police officers helped me load him up into my truck, and we talked for a little while, they said the local newspaper wanted to do a story on it! The newspaper heard the goat "attacked" a boy, and wanted to do a story. We all laughed and I apologized over and over! We are pretty sure someone let him off, and he just went looking for a friend!

We went on our way, tied Voldemort back up, making sure he can NEVER escape again! I thought nothing more of it, and posted Voldemort for sale, I knew he needed a better home. The next day, I get a phone call from the police saying the news wants to do a story on it! I was surprised, because as funny as it is, I also thought "what a stupid thing to report on". I agreed to do the interview, I've never been on TV before and hey we thought it would be a good idea to get it out there he was for sell.

The reporter came and I laughed through the entire interview! Not what I planned! So I have this huge stupid grin on my face. My once chance on tv and I don't even look cute :)

I waited 4 hours to see what they've come up with to put on TV. I honestly was more nervous to see how I looked and what dumb things came out of my mouth then what the story was!

My family watched it with me, the phone calls and Facebook messages appeared, and I laughed with everyone and went to bed. The next morning I woke up and my FB Was exploding, Volemorts story on MSNBC and the goat story had gone VIRAL! I get a message from the police that David Letterman wanted to get ahold of us. I was getting comments from people I did not know. It started to scare me! I have always wanted to be famous, but never for owning a goat!!! I mean really that's kind of embarrassing!

I feel more bad for the kid this happened to cause, who wants to be known as the kid the goat tried to hump? But really he is a pretty intimidating goat and if I did not know him, I would run up a tree too! I feel so bad for his parents trying to find him that morning and how scared they must have been. I have never met him, but would love to apologize to him!!

This whole week has been one more crazy thing right after another! Voldemort really does not have his tongue sticking out all the time, just when you get close he tries to lick you and if he does not know whats going on, he snorts! He really is just a normal goat. We have found a good home for Voldemort right after everything calms down, he's headed there. Having a goat is fun, but obviously he needs a better home with friends to be with. We are sad to see him go but can visit any time!

So there is my side of the story I'm not some crazy goat lady that lets her goat run wild. Everything has turned out okay. My life just took a weird turn that gives me a weird story to tell my grand kids! I want to thank all my family and friends for the laughs and the fun week that we have had together, I want to thank the Smithfield Police Department and Animal control for being so nice about everything and not giving me a fine . . . I want to thank my kids and my husband for the crazy week and the good times that we have had this week. Its one that I will never forget! Thanks for reading!!!


  1. Loved the Voldemort story. So glad you have found a good home for him. Faye.

    1. It was a pretty funny story! I don't think I could have made it up if I tried!
