Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Busy Weeks!

The last couple weeks have been crazy busy!!! I have not had more then 5 minutes to myself to blog about anything. So I will do a quick update!!!

This weekend I went shopping, for my Birthday! It was finally time that I needed new clothes that actually fit me! This time I went shopping I did not find a lot of stuff that I liked! I was so disappointed. I really hate the styles right now, and its so hard finding clothes that don't make me look like I am trying to be 14, or 50. I was able to find a couple super cute things that make me look good, and I went down another size!!! I am a Medium in tops, and a 6 in pants!!!!  6 . . . 6 . . . I can't believe it!!! This week I weight 137. This is the smallest I have been since about 9th-10th grade!!! I think I was skinnier back then, but I did not have muscle like I do now!

Not many people can say that they got down to their 9th grade size after 3 kids, and 4 pregnancies!!! I am super happy with how things are going, and I will soon be at 130. I know that I have about 10 more pounds of fat to loose. I want to see my Abs, all of them :)

The last 2 weeks, I have been working total body everyday. My workouts look like this,

100 Different Leg / Butt Exercises
100 Different Arm / Chest / Back Exercises
100 Different Ab Exercises 
*Example - 20 Crunches, 20 Sit Ups on the Ball, 40 Bicycle Crunches, 20 Reverse Sit Ups. 

Repeat 3-4 Times. 

This takes me about 45 minutes to complete.

A couple times a week I will go on a run as well. Last week we ran 4.2 Miles in under an hour, and that included doing a HUGE set of stairs, 3 times!

Durring the day, I have been doing small exercises. While I am folding laundry I do squats, after I make my bed I do 10 Sit Ups. I I find that if I keep moving through out the day, then I don't get tired as easy. I feel motivated. Every morning I wake up and look into the mirror, and I can see a little more definition. Its such a good feeling to know that my hard work is paying off!

I am also eating really healthy still. My family and I are still following the Clean Eating diet. We cook as much as we can out of our garden, this cuts a huge expense and it feels awesome to know that you grew such yummy food!

Hope everyone had a good week! Thanks for reading!!!!

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