Monday, September 10, 2012

My garden

This year, I have been truly blessed. My garden produced more food then my family could eat. I was able to grow my own healthy veggies! It's been such a feeling of accomplishment! It's not been easy, it's been very hard work. I think that's why I feel so good about it. I have put the effort in, and it paid off!
This year while growing my garden, have learned ...
- if I want it done, I have to do it myself!
- bugs, as gross as they are, won't kill me.
- if you leave veggies from the year before, expect strange veggies this year. I have a cross between acorn squash and zucchini, and acorn squash and crookneck squash.
- weeds are a never ending battle.
- laying down newspaper, really does help keep the weeds down.
- you have to use what you pick pretty quickly!
- veggies won't grow without a lot of water :(
- i need to plant corn more then 2 inches apart.
- label everything I plant.
- plant seeds when I know it's safe. Some of my plants, died because of frost :(
- my boys are good help, for about 5 minutes...
- my garden saved me money.
- we ate healthier because of our garden.
- it was good family time.
- i am more appreciative of my mom, for teaching me how to garden and making us help her in the garden as kids.
- great exercise.
- gardening is therapeutic.

I completed one of my new years resolutions. Now that it's harvest time, it's I feel like I can check that off my list!

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