Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar

For the last month or so, I have been using apple cider vinegar. When I heard about this I thought it was just another new popular thing, but I found this article on apple cider vinegar. It explains way more then I can, so I posted the link. 

It has so many benefits, and I don't believe its the cure all medicine but I like to try natural products first. I have been taking about 2 TBLS of Apple Cider Vinegar every day. I drink it with water and I still cringe at the taste. I have seen a difference in my stomach. I feel like I am loosing more fat. I don't know if its the apple cider vinegar, or the fact that I am in the gym 6 days a week and eating clean. But, I think its helping. It also helps with my digestion. When I have a stomach ache this helps.

The biggest difference I can see, is when I was my hair with it. I know gross, but actually my hair has never been better! I just poor about 1/4 cup on my hair, and then scrub like I would with shampoo. Then I rinse it out. I use a little drop of shampoo, on  my scalp rinse. I only do this to get the smell out. Then I use a conditioner. I have very curly dry hair. My hair has more bounce and is lighter then it ever has been. It feels great, and I have no itchy scalp or dandruff. I also have only had to wash my hair 1 time this week. My hair just did not feel dirty!

Along with all my other vitamins and supplements I have added this into my regular routine. I take this at night before bed, and in the morning. I drink 1 TBLS with a glass of water and drink it FAST. I think the taste is nasty and I don't want to be sipping this all day like others have suggested. I also don't think that would be very good on your teeth, but I am not a nutritionist nor a dentist. So don't take everything I say to heart. Try Apple cider vinegar and let me know what you think!

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