Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kids and healthy Habits

I thought I would share how I get my kids to be healthy eaters. I have been asked questions about how I can keep my kids from eating junk and liking their veggies. These questions are simple for me and my family, but I can see how others would suffer. At the checkout counter, I have been asked if my kids really eat this stuff (veggies). Of course they do and they like them. So here are my healthy eating tips and tricks for my 3 boys.

#1. I let them help me decide what is for dinner. I will ask if they want chicken or fish? Or ask them what beans we should have with our dinner. They love to have a say in what we eat. 

#2. I have them help me cook. They add ingredients or just help me pull stuff out of the fridge. Its good to help them count, learn about colors and we talk about what is healthy and what is junk. 

#3. I take them shopping with me. They get to pick out what yogurt they want, or fruit. They get to put stuff in the cart (which they LOVE). It would be easier to go by myself, but I like them to know what is good food and what is garbage food. In the Summer we have a large garden and they help me out in the garden. They will eat any of the veggies they pick. 

#4. I don't buy junk. My kids know that I will not buy junk food. If they get it at school or a birthday party, I let them eat it. I can't say "No" to everything. I feel better about junk food not being in my house, but I don't mind if they eat it every now and then. 

#5. If I make something for dinner, thats what we eat. I don't make them anything else if they don't like it. I also make them at least have one "thank you bite" of everything on their plate. 

#6. Start young. My kids have NEVER had white bread. I am proud of that. They don't know a difference because whole grain is all we have ever had. My 3 year old will eat salad and lots of it, but its because I gave it to him as soon as he started on solids. 

#7. If they won't eat something, I make it fun. I will dye their pancakes blue, or add some berries. I will make a picture with food on their plate. Or add a little dressing so they can "dip" their food. 

#8. We talk about food. We talk about what is good and what is bad. We talk about why food is bad for you. My son when he was 5 asked how much fiber was in his lunch. We are not obsessive about it. But they know when something has to much sugar, and they know soda is bad for your body and teeth. I don't just tell them no, I explain it to them and let them make the choice. If they don't like a veggie, I tell them how good it is for their body and what it can help them with. They at least try it. 

#9. Family meals. My kids eat better when we are all sitting together for a meal. We also get time to talk. We never eat in front of the TV.

#10. I don't give food as an award. If they complete their chore charts, I will take them to the dollar store and let them pick out a "prize" or we will go on a mom or dad date. Food is not an award or a punishment. I would never have my kids go to bed without dinner. I would also never tell them if they clean their room they get a candy. 

On Pinterest I found, this Pin. 

The caption under it, said "Mac & Cheese and hotdogs, I know whats for dinner". 

Really??? This is what kids are eating before bed. Where are the veggies? The fruit? The whole grain?
I must say I was pretty grossed out. I would never serve this for dinner for my kids. With the child obesity rate rising, seeing pins like this should not be surprising. Those rates are not rising from kids getting a balanced meal. I hope that some of these tips helps someone out. I know what works for my family and my kids, try different things with your family and see what works and what does not. Good luck! 

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