Friday, June 22, 2012

6/22 - Friday Update

This week has been great! I spent a lot of time with my family. I got to 143 pounds. I had some really great workouts. My house has been cleaner then it ever has been, thanks to my "Moms Chore Chart"  you can see it HERE. Most of all, I am happy.

Today I went to my normal Friday class at the gym, and my yoga pants were falling off of me!!! I was worried about them falling down and I would give everyone behind me a show! haha!! These pants were so tight on me, 5 months ago. I had to wear a big t-shirt to cover up my muffin top they gave me! Its a good feeling when you can see the difference. It makes me feel like all my hard work is paying off! I went to the local swimming pool last week and my swim suit that was tight on me last Summer is a sack on me! It makes me sad, cause it was super cute : ( But I am closer to wearing a bikini and not thinking twice about how I look in it! Last week I went off the diving board. I was brave enough to get out of the water, stand on top of the high dive and not care who saw me!

Today at class I used 12 pound weights! We did wall squats and everyone was moaning and crying how they hurt so bad, and I kept checking to see if I was doing them right, because they did not hurt at all! I felt like I could sit that way for an hour! We did some new exercises though that I loved and can't wait to do them next week in my workouts, I could feel the burn on those!

Have a good weekend everyone!

Of course I found this on! 

1 comment:

  1. The best part of this blog post is that you say you are happy!
