Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Weekly Cleaning Schedule!

My house was starting to become a nightmare to  clean. I would get only about half a room cleaned before I had to move onto the next thing. I felt like I never had enough time to do anything, because all I was doing was cleaning!

I came up with a weekly Cleaning / Chore schedule for myself. I wrote it up on my computer and printed it out! Because I like to check things off, I put it in a picture frame. I can use a dry erase marker, so that I don't ever have to print out another page again! I set it up in my kitchen and loved it the first day I tried it! I got everything done on my list, my kids were played with and happy and I did not feel overwhelmed. Every mom needs a chore chart!!! 

My weekly chore chart is what works for me and my family. Every family is different and has different things on different days. You can't make a HUGE list of things to do on Monday if you have work and baseball and soccer, you will never get it done. So plan your chores around what you have that day of the week. I made a list of all the things that need to be done in the house. Then I added them to each day, I put one longer task on each day along with a couple shorter tasks. I added a large list of things that need to be done everyday, to add to each day. 

Hope this helps, ENJOY! 

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