Friday, May 18, 2012

How I've Lost Weight

I want to share some of the tricks to my weight loss. It has not been easy, but it has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done. So, these are some of my own ways that I have been able to loose weight!

1. DRINKING WATER. Lots of water!!! I know you hear is a million times, but really drinking water has helped me. It has also helped my skin not be so dry!

2. MAKE SURE THE JUNK IS GONE. Having NO junk food in my house, is a big one for me. I am a bored eater, when I get bored I eat. So making sure that there is no junk food in my house makes me reach for an apple or carrots.

3. STOCK UP ON HEALTHY FOOD. I have to have LOTS of fruits and veggies in my kitchen now. Since I have been doing Clean Eating, I need a lot of fruits and and veggies so that I can add them to all my food. I grocery shop at the first of the week, and make sure that I have all my food for the week, so that I don't run out, and have to go eat out.

4. NUTS. In the afternoon when I need a snack, I have a handful of almonds or pistachios. They keep me held over till dinner time.

5. EXERCISE DAILY. If I don't work out 6 days a week, I feel like I am not trying my hardest. I feel tired and lazy on those days. I never liked to workout. Waking up early seemed like the worst thing in the world. But, now I LOVE it. Its makes me feel amazing, it gives me motivation to do more the next day. I love to look at myself and see a muscle showing that I never even knew I had! I love the feeling the next day of sore, because I know that I pushed myself.

6. KEEP ACTIVE. Even if I have had an amazing workout that morning, I still need to keep going. There is no sitting around. I will go on a walk, ride my bike, do some stretching while watching TV. Do some leg lifts while I am doing the dishes. Every little bit helps!

7. TRY NEW THINGS. This goes for food and workouts. You never know what you are and are not going to like. So try everything. I never knew that I could really like Green Peppers!

( Found this on Pinterest, and I love it ) 

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