Monday, July 16, 2012

Jean Skirt

Today, I made another skirt! I LOVE it!!! It turned out so cute, and it only took about 30 minutes to make! I made this skirt our of an old pair of Jeans, that the bottoms are worn and ripped. 

I saw a couple of ideas on pinterest, but the ones that I liked did not have tutorials, so I made up my own and thought I would share! This is how I made my skirt. 

I cut the bottom of the jeans. I measured the skirt from the top of the jeans and cut it at the seem. I made this skirt 22 inches long. You can chose the length of yours. 

Then I cut up the seems, up the legs, back and front. Get as close to the seem as possible. 

Start with the back. There is extra fabric on the back and I did not want it to have that weird line in the back of my skirt, so I sewed the two sides together, and low as I could down the back of the skirt. 

Fold the extra fabric in, to make a seem line going straight down like this. 

And Pin. 

Sew along pinned line, and back stitch at top and bottom. 

Cut extra fabric out of the inside of skirt. 

For the front, sew down front seem, to make an even opened triangle, below. 

Like this! 

Take extra fabric from the bottom of the jeans you cut, and cut a rectangle, to fit inside the front triangle opening. 

Pin rectangle piece to the inside the the skirt. 

Sew along pinned seems. 

Cut the extra fabric out of the inside of skirt. 

Now for the back! 

Cute fabric, to fit into the open back triangle, like this. 

I added ruffles, to the piece that fits into the back opening. 
Its hard to see, but you get the idea. I wish I would have done the ruffles in a different color, but they turned out cute. 

Pin and Sew Piece into triangle. 

For the bottom, pin a hem of 1/2 inch, all the way around. I added lace to the bottom of mine and it adds so much to it! It makes it so fun. 

And you are DONE!!! Fast huh??? 



And there you have it! Hope you make your own and send me your pictures! I want to see your skirts!!!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! My six year old has a razor blade knee and has done in 6 (yes six!) pairs of jeans in the last three weeks. Spring is almost here and since I am tired of buying jeans and patching knees she can now wear these skirts with leggings! Thanks for a tutorial that makes a cute jean skirt!
