Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sugaring Hair Removal

I HATE my eyebrows. I was "blessed" with big dark bushy eyebrows. I don't like to wax, I feel like it rips all my hair and my skin off. I don't like to use tweezers because its so time consuming and I have ADD. I found a recipe for sugaring and I thought I would share, because it worked really well. I will be  making this again.

First make sure your hair is long, not to long, but enough for the sugar to grab onto. I tried it on my leg that I shaved 3-4 days ago and it did not pull any hair. But, my eyebrows that are thick, worked like a charm! This really did not hurt, I was surprised, and expecting a lot more pain.

You Need . . . 
1/2 Cup Sugar
1/8 Cup Honey
1/2 TBLS Lemon Juice

To apply. . . 
1 Popsicle stick
2 x 4 inch strips of cotton fabric

Mix everything together and microwave for about 1 - 1 1/2 minutes. Stop and stir every 30 seconds. You want it to boil.

Then let it sit. I had to let it sit about 10 minutes, it is HOT! Stir it every minute or so, don't let it get hard.

When it is still hot, but not dripping off your stick, apply to the hair you want removed with the Popsicle stick. Apply it against the way the hair grows, then quickly add your cotton strip over the top of it. Press hard and rub the fabric, let it sit about 30 seconds. Pull it off against the way the hair grows, and repeat on another section. Don't sugar the same section twice. If there are a couple hairs that did not pull, use tweezers.

This amount is for facial hair, double if you are removing more then facial hair. This will not keep.

And woohoo your done!

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